Saturday, August 31, 2019
Baby-boomers and the U.S. Health Care System
For the past few decades the term â€Å"baby-boomers†has never left the headlines. There are many reasons why this generation of Americans always attract the spotlight. First of all this generation comprises a significant chunk of the U. S. population. Furthermore, children born to this group were the ones who grew up and became involved in the cultural-changing events of the 1960s. This is the same generation that provided volunteers and soldiers to the infamous Vietnam War.In order to fully appreciate the impact of this generation to current history it must be noted that former president Bill Clinton as well as incumbent president George W. Bush belong to this demographic. In recent times the baby-boomers are again in the glare of publicity because this segment of the population is threatening to negatively impact the U. S. health care system. The following four articles provide differing views on the said subject matter. This paper will take a closer look at the baby-boome r generation and its impact on the healthcare system.This can be achieved by comparing and contrasting four articles taken from New York Times and MSNBC News. The four articles reveal important information about this demographic while at the same time supply necessary data that will help readers get an overview of the problem as well as possible solutions. The world’s media is painting a grim picture of the future, that baby-boomers are to blame for the impending crisis that will wallop the U. S. health care system. Is there truth to the claim or is there another way to read the facts?The following articles provide different perspectives on the subject of baby-boomers in relation to the health care system. For the first article that will be examined, MSNBC’s Tracie Potts wrote a report entitled â€Å"Boomers to flood medical care system. †There is simply no way to misinterpret what she meant by that. For a long time now the United States of America is bracing f or a coming storm. In a few more years there will be a significant number of aging Americans who will retire and come looking for the long promised retirement benefits and a major part of it is access to quality health care services.Tracie Potts asserts that there is a strong possibility that many of those who will retire is in for a big disappointment and she even declared that if things will not be corrected in the near future then America should be ready for an impending crisis. Michelle York on the other hand wrote that aside from the usual problems of lacking proper medical insurance and the impact due to sheer numbers of baby-boomers that will be needing health care there is another related problem – the lack of medical practitioners that will be able to take care of them.Aside from facilities and medical supplies the most important part of the equation are the doctors. Now, everyone knows that doctors are in the business of providing care and just like other profession als they will not work for free. There maybe some rare instances where a doctor will be driven by compassion but even the most generous will realize that they have to pay back that huge loan incurred to pay tuition fees in medical school. They cannot be forced to go where there is greatest need; they will only consider moving into an area where they can also get the most out of their time and hard work.Now there is a problem when it comes to retirees. A person finally quitting the work force in order to enjoy doing the finer things in life will have to settle in areas where the cost of living is lower in order to stretch their retirement funds. That is a good plan the only problem is that in these places doctors are hard to find. The third piece that will be examined was written for the New York Times. O’Neill entitled the article this way, â€Å"Want to Retire Early and Hang a Shingle? It’ll Cost You.†In this report O’Neil discussed that baby-boomers ar e not stupid and that they work hard during their youth and pre-retirement years to save enough money so that they can afford not to work and yet lead quality lives. But O’Neil cautions that for those who will opt out of the work force before the age of 65, there is one more thing left to do and it is to set aside $100,000 or more to cover health insurance until they qualify for Medicare. Suddenly retirement is not as fun as one would think, especially for those who did not do their homework when it comes to long-term care insurance.There are just so many things that Medicare will not cover. Rick Lyman’s article significantly differs from the three already mentioned. His piece is the silver lining behind the clouds. He admits that baby-boomers will create a deep impact in American society but he believes that the doomsayers are exaggerating and therefore Lyman declared, â€Å"Census Report Foresees No Crisis Over Aging Generation’s Health. †The following pages will take a closer look at the said four articles. Boomers Tracie Potts warns that in the coming years there will be millions of baby-boomers that will flood the U.S. medical system. The problem according to her is that the health care system in this country is not yet ready for a sudden rise in the numbers of retirees. In order to understand the seriousness of the problem Potts reminded her readers that there are about 78 million Americans that will turn 65 years old soon. Seventy-eight million is already the population of a small country and realizing the size of this demographic can easily scare anyone especially if the one reading the report belongs to the younger generation tasked to work in order to sustain America’s current health care system.Potts reiterated her concerns, â€Å"We face an impending crisis as the growing number of older patients, who are living longer with more complex health needs, increasingly outpaces the number of health care providers with the knowledge and skills to take care for them capably†(2008). The report listed the following common problems associated with senior citizens who had a misplaced trust in Medicare and retiring without sufficient knowledge that having Medicare will not be enough as seen in the following facts: 1. There aren’t enough specialists in geriatric medicine; 2. Insufficient training is available;3. The specialists that do exist are underpaid; 4. Medicare fails to provide for team care that many elderly needs; and 5. Medicare may even hinder seniors from getting the best care because of its low reimbursement rates (Potts, 2008). Included in this report is another piece of bad news coming from the American Medical Association who provided the heads-up, â€Å"This July, the government will begin steep cuts in Medicare physician payments, and 60 percent of physicians say this cut will force them to limit the number of new Medicare patients they can treat†(Potts, 2008).In this article one can see the problems the great influx of senior citizens needing quality healthcare and the inability of the U. S. Federal government to provide for that need. This article is an important contribution in any study regarding boomers and their impact on the U. S. medical system. Potts was able to go into the nitty-gritty of the main issue. It was informative and well-balanced reporting. The reader can finish evaluating the article and come away with key points such as the inability of Medicare to cover all medical needs even if the person is already 65 years old and eligible for this type of medical insurance.Another major contribution of this article is in addressing the need for more trained specialists. The lack of trained specialists can easily increase the cost of health care expenses. Medical Professionals In a related article Michelle York focuses on the medical problems of baby-boomers living in the State of New York and she wrote, â€Å"At a time when the a ging baby-boomer population finds itself in need of more medical services, fewer young doctors want to work in many of the distressed cities and towns throughout New York State (2007).This is understandable because a medical professional has to earn a living too and there is no incentive that will entice them to choose to work in distressed cities and towns in dire need of medical professionals. The following figures describe a disturbing trend that although there is an increase in the number of licensed physicians this rise in numbers will not solve the problem outright and here are the explanations:†¢ In New York there is a 6 percent growth in the number of doctors practicing medicine from 2001-2005 – for a total of about 77,000 doctors – but the way they are spread throughout the state means there are many who will not have access to their expertise; †¢ There is a glut of doctors in richer areas like New York, Long Island, and Westchester and far few chose to practice in the upstate region. For instance in the Essex County in the Adirondacks, they lost 22 percent of its doctors as of latest count;†¢ The remaining doctors who chose to stay in distressed areas are also ready to retire – some are already 55 or older – but the problem is recruiting replacement is extremely difficult. Young medical practitioners find these areas non-viable and unattractive (York, 2007). This article is also very informative. It allows the reader to see the boomer issue from another angle. The usual points for discussion when it comes this topic usually centers on medical bills, expensive treatments, and expensive drugs. As a result there are laws that were passed specifically addressing the said problems.Lawmakers will continually strive hard to lower prices of medicines and find ways to build better hospitals. But York’s article diverts attention to these common problems and instead focuses on something that is far more challeng ing – there are no doctors in distressed areas. Now how can the federal government solve this problem? Lowering the price medicine can be considered a very easy feat as compared to convincing a very driven young doctor to live in areas where he knows he will not be able to pull as much money as he would have if he decides to live in the big city.Suddenly York made everyone sit-up and realize that this is a problem that requires a complex set of solutions and that the government should start working on it now because time will come when even old doctors serving in upstate regions and far flung counties will have to hang-up their hats and say adieu to the medical profession. High Cost of Retirement For John O’Neil the explanation for the impending crisis is simple. It is simply too expensive to pay for health care. There are so many factors that contribute to this reality.As mentioned earlier there are a limited number of specialists focusing on geriatric treatment. In s ome areas the problem is much simpler to identify – there are no doctors in sight. O’Neil adds another reason why it will be much harder for baby-boomers to immediately decide to hang their work clothes and go straight to their favorite fishing hole and he wrote, â€Å"The percentage of companies offering retirees health benefits has plummeted in the last decade, according to a recent report by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.From 1997 to 2002, the most recent year for which figures are available, the drop was especially steep†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (2006). This means that even if baby boomers are still in the workplace they are no longer contributing to their healthcare plans. O’Neill cited Paul Fronstin, director of the institute’s health research and education program, who said that future retirees are not assured of medical insurance coverage unless they fall into one of the following categories: 1. high-level executive; 2. union worker in a large man ufacturing company; or 3. civil servant (O’Neil, 2006).There are those who did not belong to any of the categories mentioned above but they have spouses willing to keep working until they qualify for Medicare but there are many who are not as fortunate. O’Neil also pointed out that the saddest part is that many Americans, especially those who are going to retire soon are unaware that such problems exist. Many thought that they are covered and yet when they are out their on their own with no other means of support they will be in for a rude awakening because health care cost is not what they expect it to be.O’Neil’s article is a wake-up call for those who may have thought that retirement is the answer to all their problems. No more back-breaking work and all the money needed to spend for the things that one truly loves doing. O’Neil splashed cold water into the faces of those daydreaming about fly-fishing and endless hours at the golf course. No sir , retirement before the age of 65 means no access to Medicare and if the new retiree figures in an accident, long-term care insurance is way too expensive. It is also a good thing that O’Neill pointed out a fact that more and more companies are reducing their offer of retiree health benefits.It is high time to check if a potential retiree’s company is offering retiree health benefits or not before deciding to retire. No Crisis over Aging Rick Lyman’s article offers an alternative view. Although Lyman concedes that baby boomers will still tax the U. S. medical system because the following figures is undeniable, â€Å"In July 2003, there were 35. 9 million Americans over the age of 65, about 12 percent of the population. By 2030, federal officials predict, there will be 72 million older people, about 20 percent of Americans†(Lyman, 2006).Yet Lyman predicted that the outcome will not be as devastating because baby-boomers are aging well with fewer disabilit ies even as they turn 65. Lyman cited Richard J. Hodes – director of the National Institute on Aging – who asserts that this positive trend is due to an improved quality of life; today’s older Americans are better educated and more wealthy than previous generations which accounts for their ability to take care of themselves (Lyman, 2006). Yet Lyman also made a caveat that the growing obesity rate may neutralize the positive trend.This article by Lyman is not only significant because it offers a positive outlook of the current health care debacle but it also encourages many future retirees to be more vigilant when it comes to taking care of their health especially those that are prone to diabetes and obesity. It must be noted that Lyman’s assertions are based on the significant reduction in the number of senior citizens suffering from a form of disability. Due to the fact that many of the baby-boomers are enjoying great health there is a possibility that t he impact will be less disastrous.Yet it is also good to know that diabetes and obesity can easily reverse the trend because these two medical conditions can easily transform a perfectly healthy individual into an invalid irregardless if he a boomer or not. Compare/Contrast The four articles are in agreement on the following areas: 1. The significant number of baby-boomers will greatly impact the U. S. medical system. 2. Health care cost is rising. 3. There are other factors that contribute to the health care problem and not merely due to the size of the baby-boomer generation.Authors, Potts, York, and O’Neil are also in agreement that boomers will break the bank. It is only Lyman who offered a more positive outlook. Although Lyman acknowledges there is a problem he is sure that doomsayers are exaggerating and that actual figure show that boomers are adapting well. Lyman argues that due to the fact that boomers have a higher literary rate as compared to previous generations t his generation will be able to quickly understand and assimilate information regarding health issues and as a result they will be able to incorporate into their lifestyle practices that will ensure longevity and good health.On the other hand all four authors are unanimous when it comes to the idea of retaining the services of retirees and instead of pushing them out the door. There are a number of industries that require more experienced workers especially when it comes to the medical field it is very expensive to train specialists. So if a retired medical professional decides to work a few more years after retirement his expertise can be used without having to undergo further training. In this way more people will benefit from his services. ConclusionThere is no need to elaborate on the fact that baby-boomers comprise a significant percentage of the American population. Figures vary but it is estimated that there are at least 72 million boomers living in this country. This demograp hic can easily command the attention of various businesses but in the past few years it has gripped the attention of health care experts who are predicting a crisis if some issue will not be resolved soon. There is a good reason to be alarmed, 70 million people is roughly the size of a small country.Imagine a group this big and all of its members suddenly turning gray and opts to exit the workplace and as a consequence of age and other factors begin taxing the U. S. healthcare system. The four articles reveal at least three glaring facts as to why the aging of the boomer will create a force that will wallop America’s medical system. First of all, even without considering the boomers the U. S. health care system is already in shambles, meaning not everyone can afford medical insurance simply because it is downright expensive.It is expensive to pay for doctors, it is expensive to pay for specialists and it is even expensive to pay for caregivers that do not have any form of med ical degree. Secondly, there are simply not enough health workers that will be able to do the job. In the case of the boomers there is an added problem of needing more specialists especially those that specialize in geriatric medicine. Finally, the most disturbing fact of all is that there are many boomers who are unaware that they need to have more money in order to pay for their health care related expenses.It must be noted that those who retire before 65 will not be eligible for Medicare. And yet even if they have Medicare this type of health insurance will not be able to cover everything. All three articles agree that there is an impending crisis unless desperate measures are taken up. This includes enticing retirees not to become idle and instead allow themselves to be reabsorbed into the workforce. There is now an added bonus because retirees with their years of experience can ask for part time work or can choose only to do things that they love doing.There is only one author who disagree with the doomsayers. But even he gave some sort of tempered optimism because even with a wealthier and more educated boomer generation the rising rate of obesity can still offset the positive trend. All in all the four articles are informative and it allows the reader to get a good overview to one of the hottest social issue in America today. References Lyman, R. (2006). â€Å"Census Report Foresees No Crisis Over Aging Generations Health. †Retrieved 05 June 2008 from http://www. nytimes. com/2006/03/10/national/ 10aging. html?_r=1&sq=baby%20boomer&st=nyt&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&scp=4&adxnnlx=1213085688-UwMCjf6VJB3QAKV4jZVJ9A O’Neil, J. (2006). â€Å"Want to Retire Early and Hang a Shingle? It’ll Cost You. †Retrieved 04 June 2008 from http://www. nytimes. com/2006/04/11/business/retirement/ 11gap. html? _r=1&scp=21&sq=baby%20boomer&st=nyt Potts, T. (2008). â€Å"Boomers to Flood Medical Care System. †Retrieved 04 June 2008 from http:// www. msnbc. msn. com/id/24107916/ York, M. (2007). â€Å"Few Young Doctors Step in as Upstate Population Ages. †Retrieved 05 June 2008 from http://www. nytimes. com/2007/07/23/nyregion/ 23docs. html? scp=5&sq=baby+boomer&st=nyt
Friday, August 30, 2019
Book Report on Farewell to Manzanar Essay
In the early year of 1942, the families of Japanese people are being ordered to start a move to Manzanar, California; the Wakatsuki family is one of them. Many Japanese accept the move because they are afraid of Caucasian aggression, but some simply see it as an adventure. Families have to put on identification number tags on their collars. Riding on buses to Manzanar, Jeanne falls asleep on the bus, nearly half of which is filled with her relatives, and wakes up to the â€Å"setting sun and the yellow, billowing dust of Owens Valley. (pg 19) As they enter the camp, the new arrivals stare silently at the families already waiting in the wind and sand. Upon arriving, just in time for dinner, â€Å"the mess halls weren’t completed yet†(pg 19) seeing a line formed around the soon to be finished building blocking a good part of the wind. Only seeing tents and barracks, half built buildings that were unending. There were cracks in the floors, only one light bulb per room, gaps in the walls, an oil stove for heat, and not very much space at all. â€Å"We were assigned two of these for the twelve people in our family group. †(pg. 1) With all the confined spacing for the families, you can tell there was a lot of tension between everyone. The food they had made for us to eat was not in our culture at all. â€Å"The Caucasian servers were thinking that the fruit poured over rice would make a good desert. Among the Japanese, of course, rice is never eaten with sweet foods, only with salty or savory foods. †(pg. 20) On top of the food being served wrong, their latrines were not very useable. â€Å"The smell of it spoiled what little appetite we had. †(pg. 31) â€Å"My mother was a very modest person, and this was going to be agony for her, sitting down in public, among strangers.  (pg. 32). What some of the other women did was drag in a big cardboard carton and put up as walls so no one could see. The reservoir shack was just outside of camp. â€Å"My brother-in-law Kaz was foreman of a reservoir maintenance detail, the only crew permitted to work or to leave the camp limits the night of the riot. †(pg. 78) The guys that were on this detail slept on cots in a shack. When they turned off the lights in the shack at night and everyone was laying down it was so dark that you couldn’t see anyone or anything in the shack.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
USA responsibility for fostering the growth and development of the EEC Article
USA responsibility for fostering the growth and development of the EEC - Article Example In addition, they believed that an integrated Europe could play a greater political role in the world. The economic gains to be derived from European integration were recognized long before the postwar era, but post-World War II developments made them greater and more visible. The benefits come from expanding the size of the market open to producers. They are thus able to obtain the economies of scale resulting from mass production and specialization, and the economy as a whole can gain from the effects of greater competition. The advantages of integration assumed greater importance in the 1950's because technological developments that occurred during and after the war increased the size of the market necessary to support efficient industry. Competition from large U.S. business firms seemed insurmountable to European firms faced with small, fragmented markets and equipped with obsolete machinery. Larger markets and protection from the competition of U.S. products were thought necessary to sustain rapid European growth. Both could be obtained through economic integration. The political gains from integration seemed at the time to be even more important than the economic ones. The destructive war in Europe was not followed by peace but by cold war. Under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union threatened the very existence of European governments. Germany was divided and faced a powerful Russian army on its frontier. Italy and France both experienced great uncertainties from having large Communist minorities within their borders. In this situation, only the military power of the United States maintained security. But the Europeans felt that they had to make an important contribution to their own defense, both to avoid being totally dependent on the United States, and to prepare for the day when U.S military forces would be removed from European soil. Integration through supranational institutions was thought to be both a means of ensuring efficient expenditure of the resources Europeans felt they could devote to security, and a way of downgrading independent m ilitary establishments. In Germany, particularly, integration was viewed as a means of providing sufficient strength in the West to convince the Soviet Union that nothing could be gained from a continued division of Germany, in the hope that reunification would eventually be permitted. Conflicts over the goals of European unity and over the degree of supranationality of its institutions have marked the European movement during the postwar period. Indeed, the most far-reaching attempts to institutionalize unity through the European Defense Community (EDC) and the companion European Political Community (EPC) foundered on issues directly related to these conflicts. In order to circumvent this problem, the promoters of the "European idea" decided to concentrate their efforts on economic integration. European governments ( France in particular) could enter into agreements in the economic sphere, as demonstrated by the formation and continued existence of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), but were not prepared to accept a direct attack on national sovereignty, as shown by the defeat of the EDC proposal. Thus, the Rome Treaty establishing the EEC is devoid of provisions for political integration. (Nugent, 2006) However, political motives were paramount, and th e ultimate objective of the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Why did the Tokugawa permit the 'Floating World' to operate Essay
Why did the Tokugawa permit the 'Floating World' to operate - Essay Example The representative art of the floating world in Japan was the traditional Japanese form of art and showed Japanese cultural influences merged with Western forms to provide originality in form and presentation of such artistic creations. Ukiyo-e is thus a form of Japanese traditional art that used art as a form of social criticism and represents society in all its aspects. In fact Ukiyo-e represented all cultural forms at the time and issues related to social conflicts and cultural changes, sexual taboos and attitudes towards social norms, war and art life. A man’s role in a rapidly changing environment is represented in these art forms and in this discussion I will highlight why the Tokugawa shogunate permit the Floating world to operate within Japan. In this context a novel ‘An Artist of the Floating World’ has been written by K.Ishiguro which represented WWII Japan and showed how the attitudes and paintings have changed in recent times within the limits of Japanese traditional art. The use of Kimono and geisha themes, the popularity of Japanese samurais and sushi are all features of the Ukiyo-e period and the period represents a unique Japanese culture highlighting traditional Japanese forms, arts, food and everything representative of traditional Japan. Ukiyo-e, the traditional Japanese art form came into existence during the Edo period (1615- 1868) along with the emergence of the unified government of Japan and growth of a large urban population. Edo has now been transformed to modern Tokyo and the pleasure quarters of the modern city was known as Ukiyo or the floating world (Yasutaka et al, 2000). Ukiyo is portrayed negatively in Buddhism as the term means ephemereal or worldly and transitory pleasures and gradua lly came to be known as a world of sensual pleasures that are valued in the modern world (Kabayashi, 1992). Ukiyo-e literally means pictures or images of the floating world or the world of pleasures and represents an art form in traditional Japan that highlighted these different dimensions of pleasure, and art that recorded the life vein of Edo at that time - the geishas and courtesans, the kabuki actors, samurais, and the art on these themes was based on the traditional ukiyo-e form of woodblock printing. The kabuki theatre highlighted and patronized the merchant class as well as erotic art and landscape of Japan (Hebbitt, 1975). The representations of Mt Fuji, depiction of waves and scenes of landscapes and seascapes show the views of nature and represents classical style and Japanese emphasis on nature, values and tradition. Some of the main Japanese artists who represented the floating world in their art and paintings are Hiroshige, Kuniyoshi, Hokusai, Kunisada, and Utamaro. The Ukiyo-e artists produced erotic prints, paintings and subjects within the Shunga. Ukiyo-e had a focus on sexual and erotic themes and celebrated sensuality and sexuality and many modern paintings are simply representations of the older ones. The Ukiyo-e artists have used their art to expose political corruption, social disorder, as well as violence and chaos along with gestures of emotion and drama as well as varied sexual and erotic themes. However the Ukiyo-e art was allowed to flourish by the Tokugawa shogunate but in 1850 with the fall of the Shogunate, Japan's politics became enmeshed in a civil war and the Ukiyo-e art at this time lost its patronage of the Tokugawa Shogunate and also highlighted the violence and political disruption of the situation as the Tokugawa shogunate collapsed. In the initial stages of the Edo period, the region had a feudal political system with a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Apply Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Apply Critical Thinking - Essay Example In childhood education literature we also witness ‘non sequitors’, which is an attempt to create a cause and effect relationship where none exists. For example, the claim that, since enrolments to schools have increased over time the overall standards must have also gotten better is a non-sequitor. Empirical studies show no correlation between these two parameters. ‘Faulty Analogy’ is comparing apples with oranges. To say that public schooling will fail in the USA because it has failed to impress in China or India is a faulty analogy. One has to also take into account the economic, social, cultural and political conditions that bear upon educational outcomes. ‘Equivocation’ is the deliberate attempt to confuse the reader by obscuring one’s position on the subject. A policy maker or legislator who says that public schooling should be encouraged while also supporting government austerity measures is guilty of equivocating. Equivocation is c losely tied to logical contradiction. Finally, a commonly found fallacy in childhood education literature is that of ‘petitio principii’, also called ‘begging the question’. If proponents of the existing education system are correct in their praise of the system, it then begs the question why American children fare poorly in comparison to their counterparts in Western European
Monday, August 26, 2019
Virgin Atlantic A Premium Brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Virgin Atlantic A Premium Brand - Essay Example Premium Economy class offered by Virgin constitutes a major chunk of its business that provides larger seats, priority in baggage reclaim, a cabin-exclusive crew, dedicated check-in and more that distinguishes them from the other airliners. Over these years, the VA brand is recognised as one of the most reliable and consumer-friendly air carrier that people have been ready to pay premium on their air travel; however, post 2008 financial crisis has caused major upheavals in the aviation industry. In last couple of years, numerous mergers have taken place among the major airliners and that has posed a grave threat to the VA. It becomes utmost necessary that Virgin forms a suitable merger or a strategic partnership with some other large airlines to improve its competitive edge over its rivals. Introduction Virgin airlines (VA) began its operations a way back in 1984 with a single route to New York; however, expanding its operations ever since then, currently, the Virgin flies to more th an 30 destinations with total 38 aircrafts at its disposal. At the home turf, Virgin competes with British Airways (BA) and holds number two position right behind BA beating many US carriers in the process. Competing with BA at all major routes is a big feat indeed! The paper aims at identifying and analysing the competitive strategy that Virgin Atlantic has deployed all these years against the formidable airlines of the world. Virgin Atlantic's Mission Statement Virgin Atlantic's mission statement is "To grow a profitable airline, that people love to fly and where people love to work" (Strategy and Policy, 2012). Objectives VA’s long-term objective is to grow and expand into a profitable airline creating a strong brand name in the aviation industry. In a bid to fulfill these objectives, the company moved to Heathrow in 1991. Since then the company has been able to push through many routes and several markets. Creating Competitive Strategy Lomax and Raman (2006) define compet itive advantage as the means that are necessary for the company to outperform its rivals in terms of earning higher than average profits. Hooley et al. (2008) argue that a well-formulated marketing strategy should be in place based on the competitive environment in which the company operates. Product positioning or niche marketing can derive benefits to the company when harnessed strategically (Johnson, 2011). Virgin competes with British Airways, Continental, American Airlines, United and Delta on transatlantic routes; BA, Cathay Pacific, ANA, and JAL to the Far East; SAA and BA to South Africa. Virgin has instituted a two class system for its passengers: Economy class and Upper Class. Economy class is further segmented into Premium Economy and Economy Class. Virgin employs several marketing techniques using its distinct logo to market its products and services that include print media, electronic media, taxi sides, outdoor posters. The sole purpose is to increase the awareness amo ng consumers about its products and services and inform the people about new routes. During off seasons, tactical promotional schemes are offered to increase the occupancy rates in air routes. Direct mail is another method used to inform about the new offerings and services. Frequent flyer programmes are used to increase the loyalty among existing customers.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Problems of Performance Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Problems of Performance Management - Essay Example In view of this information, the Systems Model of Performance Management is adapted. The paper is concluded with a discussion and recommendations for future research. By definition, Performance Management generally includes performance planning, i.e. goal setting, ongoing coaching and development of subordinates, formally reviewing performance and rewarding performance. It was first introduced by Michael Beer as an innovative appraisal and development system that combines the developmental facet of performance appraisal with the goal-setting facet of MBO (Beer & Ruh, 2000; Beer, Ruh, Dawson, McCaa & Kavanagh, 2001). At the time, it was considered an improvement on the performance appraisal system, which was generally considered as subjective and plagued by rather problems. In considering the value that could potentially be added by Performance Management, it is important to bear in mind that Performance Management as a process was developed because of the failure of performance appraisals. In essence, Performance Management represents a move from an isolated, mechanistic, HR-driven approach to performance appraisal towards a comprehensive, integrated business-driven system aiming at organisational and people development. (Cawley et al. 2003) It was believed that by participative setting goals that are aligned with higher organisational goals, conducting performance reviews and coaching on an ongoing basis, and rewarding an individual's performance based on the outputs of the Performance Management system, desirable outcomes would follow. While conducting a survey among Performance Management facilitators from major British organisations on potential problems experienced with Performance Management in the early 1990s, a wide range of problems was identified. In fact, so many problems emerged that in collaboration with these Performance Management experts a Systems Model of Performance Management was developed. The reasoning was that a systems approach would be required to address the wide variety of problems at different levels. The Systems Model is described elsewhere in detail (Spangenberg, 2003b). The Systems Model comprises inputs, processes, outputs and linkages to other systems. The effectiveness of Performance Management is greatly influenced by inputs into the system. (McDonald 2000)Strategic drivers comprise, firstly, the purpose or purposes of Performance Management. The desired purpose, or purposes, should be determined beforehand, should not contain contradictory elements, and should be clearly communicated to all. Secondly, the transformational framework comprising leadership, corporate strategy and culture is critical to changing the strategic direction of the organisation in order to exploit opportunities in the environment. (Neely 2002)A fair degree of sophistication is expected from all internal stakeholders, namely management, supervision and employees, to understand and apply the principles and procedures of Performance Management. A productive working relationship with unions or other employee representatives is essential. Because of the often-negative impact of discussing rewards during the final performance review, the reward issue may be separated from the annual review. In the Systems Model, it is considered as a linkage to the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Organization Development - Analyzing Performance Measurement and Essay
Organization Development - Analyzing Performance Measurement and Management - Essay Example The theme of the article is explored, along with the strengths and weaknesses of the content. According to the authors, performance measurement and management is the first stepping stone towards the effective implementation of change. Having widespread benefits on the organization, performance management has been described as an essential for the efficient functioning of the organization. The paper also sheds light on how the article misses out some pertinent details about performance management. Overall, the article is easy to comprehend and interesting, but often lacks concrete evidence to support the translation of theory into practice. Introduction Facility management (FM) inculcates the concept of bringing together various disciplines for the management of a built environment by assimilating and making use of human resources, place, management and technological advances (Atkins and Brooks 2009, 4). The role of facilities management has recently garnered significant attention for its ability to impact a wide range of disciplines and the potential to use this relationship for improved performance of the organization. ... Since the past decade, performance measurement has started to be used extensively for a â€Å"comprehensive managerial process†purported to improve the organizational performance (Menzel and White 2011, 133). Theme and Analysis The article by Dilanthi Amaratunga and David Baldry, â€Å"Moving from performance measurement to performance management†, is the topic of analysis in this report. The theme of the article focuses on the transition from performance measurement to performance management in FM organization. Introducing the article with the concept of performance measurement, Amaratunga and Baldry have highlighted the increasing role of performance measurement systems in contemporary management. Nutt and McLennan (2000, 163) further support this concept, asserting that the foremost step towards management is measurement, without which the organization cannot be certain of improvement over time. Performance measurement is essential for facilitating change in an orga nization and formulates the directive needed to efficiently pursue and achieve the goals of the organization. Quoting the traits of performance measurement, the authors emphasize upon the connection between performance measurement and management and explain how utilizing the results of performance measurement translates into effective performance management by providing a means of anticipating necessary changes and devising a strategy for change. The authors point out the role of facilities management in the overall performance and success of the organization. Performance management systems, as tools of strategic development and learning, have been discussed with the role FM organizations can play in promoting performance measurement and management. Moreover, it has been
Friday, August 23, 2019
Thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Thought - Essay Example According to the traffic regulations and safety expectations, it is not advisable to drive under the influence of alcohol. As such, devices that can sense alcohol can communicate with the driver and inform him when it is safe to drive. Such a device can also lock the car until the drivers sobers up such that he can drive well. The other thing that can be communicated to me by these devices is the element of giving direction. In the event that I am lost or I have diverted from my route, the device can tell me that I should stop and navigate my way towards the right direction. When you get into a new place, it can be noted that it is very easy to get lost and this can happen when there is no one in site. Given such a scenario, I can communicate with the device in the car to give me the right direction. devices can also talk to me about the general issues of the environment I would be driving. These devices can sense if the terrain is good for my car and they can inform me the appropriate road to follow in the event that some parts of the road are damaged. In the same vein, such a device can warn me to slow down when I am approaching depressions along the road. This will help me to maintain reasonable speed that does not harm my vehicle. The devices mentioned above can also be used to communicate with me in the event of any malfunction of different parts of my car. In some cases, there are certain parts that can malfunction but the car can still move. Such problems are often difficult to diagnose and in some cases they can be taken for granted by the motorists but the truth is that they pose a real threat to the vehicle and the motorist as well. Though minor, such problems can culminate into bigger problems that may be costly and difficult to repair. As such, whenever a problem has been detected, the devices mentioned above can talk to me so that I can take action. They can also communicate with me so that I can
Children's Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Children's Literature - Essay Example Social class structures were beginning to break down as common men were able to make fortunes in industry and landowners found it more and more difficult to keep the idyllic life they’d constructed alive. Women, too, were beginning to question their allotted place in society as more and more opportunities opened for them in the urban centers of the country, providing them with a means of supporting themselves and freeing themselves from the yoke of male domination. However, at the same time, these positions were not the equal rights positions of modern times, so it was often difficult to determine whether one wanted to sacrifice freedom for comfort or comfort for freedom. Rarely was it possible to attain both. All of these social and economical concerns can be found in the novels written during this time period even in children’s literature as it is revealed in something as simple as the subject of clothing, dressing and ideas about fashion, such as the examples seen in Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett and Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. The type of clothes one wore during the Victorian period, during which these three children’s books are based, frequently said a great deal about the wealth of the home, the character of the individual and the degree of social status enjoyed by the family. Those at the lower rungs of society are given the cast off materials and clothing available only because no one else is interested in them. For example, when Anne Shirley first appears in Anne of Green Gables, she is seen as a homely child in a â€Å"very short, very tight, very ugly dress of yellowish-gray wincey†with a â€Å"faded brown sailor hat†(21). This clothing is the result of a generous donation of a merchant who reportedly couldn’t sell it otherwise and thus at least ensured it was used
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Disaster in Franklin County Essay Example for Free
Disaster in Franklin County Essay The role of the major public health personnel, including the public health nurse, is to provide the public with accurate information, and to assure the community, as well as ensure the immediate safety and well-being of the members of the community, while being competent compassionate and accessible. The public health director was contacted by the incident commander to attend the incident briefing due to immediate and long term public health impacts. The fire chief gave report concerning how many people were confirmed dead, what time it occurred and what county(s) were affected. He made the public aware if any hazardous materials had been released and where and whether the hazardous materials team had been dispatched. He also notifies the community of areas of flooding, and any impassable roads and the roads that are closed, as well as any power outages, and possible long term problems that may occur from power loss such as water contamination, and food loss due to spoilage. The fire chief also informs the public that the plan for search and rescue has been initiated. The public health staff had previously had National Incident Management System (NIMS) training. The deputy director sets up the incident command center and does the head count of available responders. The most ideal personnel were not totally available; there were an appropriate number to set up section chiefs and command staff. The chain of command that was used in the simulation consisted of the Public Health Team which included the County Public Health Director, Environmental Health Specialists, and Community Health Nurses, as well as Franklin county staff members, mental health, and social workers, which allowed the community health nurse to have resources available that were used to deal with situations that were outside the nurse’s scope of practice included reporting to EOC well treatment hazardous waste removal. Actions taken by the community health nurse when she encountered possible emergency situations during the door-to-door interviews was to Calm and triage families and offer reassurance and instruction on safety. The public health personnel had to deal with multiple problems both during the initial period and after the immediate danger had past. Actions taken by the community health nurse to help the people who were interviewed cope with the situations after the flooding were: to advise them to stay at shelter where there is electricity and food to contact Environmental health specialists for toxic waste To contact Social services to address immediate needs and resources. To arrange for instruction on safe use of generators in English and Spanish. To make arrangement for medications to be delivered the next day. Techniques that were used or could have been used to calm the fears of the people interviewed are to use short and concise statements. Perform active listening and confirm statements by repeating it back to the person being spoken with, use confrontation avoidance, and De-escalation. The other nursing personnel could be prepared to help in responding to a similar emergency with a much larger affected area (e.g., the effect of Hurricane Katrina). Through the development of a well-organized disaster response plan. Public health staff requires National Incident Management System (NIMS) training. Emergency preparedness training should be performed at least every six months. There needs to be a method of communication in case power lines, towers and electricity are not available; have a backup system in place and know where they are located (e.g. include, walkie talkies, Morse code and emailing). Community nurses should have car stock that includes protective gear (PPE) such as N-95 mask, barriers for CPR, gloves, biohazard containers and isolation gowns. Knowledge of the basic steps that are needed to take to ensure patient safety, such as safe evacuation, and early notification will help prevent unnecessary casualties during emergencies (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Accessed July 21, 2006. References Centers for Public Health Education and Outreach. (n.d.). Retrieved from Health Care: Public Health Emergency Preparedness. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Buddhist No Self Doctrine Philosophy Essay
The Buddhist No Self Doctrine Philosophy Essay The Buddha taught that there were no persisting identity and there are no permanent stable identities. We are just a complex experience streamed through time. We are just short lived, temporal, historical beings in the process of becoming. There is no difference between you and your life: you are your life history. thoughts were the thinker and experiences were the experiencer The Buddha taught Ksanika-vada which is an anti-substantial doctrine that the world is in a continuous flux and is impermanent. There is nothing more than movement and change in the world (Anitya). There are no fixed or permanent, absolute or independent substances. The Buddhist universe is the same as Heraclitus simile of a river as you cant step twice into the same river due to the constant changing of water. The phenomenology of reality, objects, events and self are not what we think they are. They are in fact a temporary interconnected stream of some fundamental elements. This is the Buddhist ontology that everything occurs through causes and effects. All these things we believe to be persisting entities, including self, are just a stream of events. The effect doesnt exist when the cause existed and the cause stops existing when the effect comes to exist. This results in everything in the world having a cause and nothing existing unconditioned. The idea of Atman is the metaphysical self or soul which is everlasting. The Hindu religion uses this idea of the soul thus they adopt the Eternalists view. This is that the soul is immaterial, infinite and immortal so it will continue to exist for ever. Atman has various meaning such as soul, self, being, ego or personality. This is what Buddhism rejects, a persisting and enduring entity in humans. The doctrine of Nairatmya-Vada teaches us that to recognize ourselves as a persisting entity is an illusion. We are actually a phenomenon of human experiences (dharma) so we are temporal being (Ksanika). What we call the self is actually a temporary interconnected stream of thoughts and desires. So why do we believe we have a self and why do we cling onto the idea of a self? The early Buddhist believed individuals were an arrangement is a composition of five aggregates (skandha). None of these phenomena contain an actually sense of self: The body (rupa) Feelings of pleasure and pain (vedana) Sense-based perceptions of objects (vijnana) Conceptual thoughts (samjna) Volitions, inherited dispositions and habits (samskara) To clarify, conceptual thoughts are not the mind but just the thoughts themselves. They are not a substance or an enduring self. Also consciousness is not found in these five aggregates as the Buddha rejected the idea. Rather consciousness is named by the cause. It is dependent on all five and it cant exist without them. For example the eye gives visibility which gives rise to visible consciousness. This is a mental consciousness. Consciousness is always an effect of the aggregates and always in flux. . The self is not actually real as none of these five aggregates show that there is a persisting and enduring identity in humans. What gives rise to individuals feeling of self is just the aggregate of these factors replacing each other. For example, a body touch a red hot poker, this will give rise to a feeling of pain, this will give rise to a thought of pain and the memory of what it felt like. It is a conventional designation for a becoming compound of the five aggregates that gives rise to the feeling that we are selves. Descartes believed that I think therefore I am, whereas the Buddha taught that I am because I think. Therefore Buddhism is an impersonalist teaching showing us that the self doesnt actually exist so we are not what we think we are, we dont matter. Nagasena explains this concept in Question of King Milanda through a conversation between Menader (a king) and Nagasena (a monk). Nagasena asks the king if the axle, wheels, chariot body, flagstaff, yoke, reins or goad-stick is the chariot. Also he asks if all of these are the chariot. All of these were answered negatively. Thus the chariot is not the same as the parts and is not the parts conjointly. He concludes that the word chariot is only a name for the parts in a certain way formation. He applies this to self and postulates that his name is just a construction of his five aggregates but not actually a self: As the various parts, the different adjuncts of a vehicle, form, when united, that which is called a chariot; so, when the five khandas are united in one aggregate, or body, they constitute that which is called a being, a living existence. The Buddhism doctrine of Pratiya- Samutpada, often translated as dependent arising taught that thirst or desires, attachments and commitments are causally related to suffering (duhkha). This is where the Buddha explains the process where enduring world phenomenon arises. Even though cause and events (dharmas) are separate in Buddhism they are still interconnected and this is the same for the continuous cycle of rebirth (samsara). It is just life a flowing river or an ever turning wheel. There is no need for the self, all phenomena, our experiences, substances and events, can be explained by caused and effect. Life is one causal sequence made of Twelve Links of Dependent Origination (nidanas). This shows that no beings exist independent of any other beings. Therefore it describes one enduring identity from birth to death and also reincarnated lives: 1. Ignorance 2. Volitional Actions 3. States of Mind 4. Name and Form 5. Sense Sources 6. Contact 7. Feelings 8. Attachment 9. Grasping 10. Becoming 11. Birth 12. Aging and Death Yet again this process shows us that nothing can exist by itself. This is because the Buddha taught that if something has a dependent origination then it cant be independent: If something is fundamentally dependent then it must be devoid of having a nature that is independent of other phenomena, of existing independently. Anything that is dependently originated must in fact be empty. Everything that we experience is a result of a cause and the nature of them is being dependent. This means that all of our phenomena are empty of having an independent self. To be enlightened is to take away the first link of ignorance and be aware that all our phenomena are empty and once we are aware of this we will become enlightened. This is becoming aware that we arent actually what we think are. Our self or personality is a constitution of feelings and attachments to objects which is what causes our process of becoming. This is the aim of Atman, to escape from this unsatisfaction that the phenomena of the persisting self causes. When we grasp an object we want we may feel happiness but this never last and even if we get an object we want we always crave for more or are scared of losing it. We need to become enlightened that these are not actually real and are only a product of our phenomena. The four noble truths teach us that you can realise your true self and aspire to a higher living. When you understand that ignorance, volitional action, attachment and feeling and grasping are empty then you will let escape the circle of birth, suffering, death and rebirth (samsara) and find peace in nirvana. As we have seen, early Buddhism analysed experience into five aggregates but later schools developed the process of reduction analysis. The Abhidharma, a later reduction analysis text, develops some of the fundamental teaching of the Buddhism. The Abhidharma analyses phenomenon and experiences, reducing them into minute essentials (dharma) by complex lists. This rejects the sustainable self as an independent entity because it is actually a changing construction dependent on complex connection of mental and material components. The Sarvastivada Abhidharma doctrine teaches that only impartite entities truly exist. If atoms make up an object then the object doesnt exist as it is just an aggregate. The impartite entities in phenomenon (dharma) have a permanent identity of their own (svabhava) and exist in the past, present and future. Each dharma has its own essences or intrinsic nature (svalaksana). This idea is Atomism, where the basic constituent ingredients for all mental thoughts an d physical materials are all reducible to this. Yet again this breaks down our habits of attachment as we are just a mass of material elements and just as the Lotus flower will fade and die so will us. As the dharmas which have no cause and effect dont include the self, this must mean that all aspects of our experiences are impermanent and dependent on many causes and effects which arise and pass. This ontology of dharmas shows us that the world we live in is not what we think it is. Hence our attachments, commitments and desires for objects of this world are false: Try to grasp the world and it runs through ones fingers. The Abhidharma lists conditioned realities (samskrta) which are made from temporary fluxes. These phenomena are conditioned: 1. Material phenomena 2. Mind 3. Mental phenomena 4. Elements which are neither material nor mental The mind is conceived as a complex cognitive process consisting of a succession or related momentary mental states. Mental states arise dependent on its cause therefore forming a mental flux. The mind is always rapidly changing, streams of consciousness is made up of streams of awareness. Every moment of cognition relates to a particular object therefore intentionality and consciousness are inseparable. Our phenomenon of consciousness is therefore a stream of immaterial and impersonal events; it is associated with the body in life but will come to exist dependent on another body after the death of the body. This is not a persisting self but an impersonal series of mental events. Our reality is made up of a connection of momentary events. So mind and matter are not substance but events, and mental and material events interact in a flux. The Sautrantika teaching are different from the Abhidharma teachings as it rejections dharma as actual reality. The Abhidharma introduced the idea of permanence in the world through dharmas and the Sautrantika rejects this unconditional reality. This is because the Abhidharma dharmas go against the Buddhist principle of impermanence (anitya). They retain the notion of dharma but eliminate the notion of svabhava. They believe that our basic reality is just flashes of momentary energy (svalakshana). Therefore all things momentary exist only in the minute when they are produced. This is a radicalisation of impermanence as everything is instantaneous and has no duration. All materials are also impermanent as all things decay. Decay needs no external causes as it is a self destruction of the material. So there is only ever a present, there is no past or future as everything is instantaneous. An enduring and persisting self can certainly not exist as there is only momentary existence. Thus consciousness actually is just a flux of momentary flash of energy hence there is no need for a conscious self with a past, present and future. The doctrine of sakaravada teaches us that we are never in contact with the material world but only perceive an aspect based upon the sense organs and sense consciousness: It asserts the mediated character of cognition, the recognition that perception apprehends its object through the mediation of a mark left by the object on consciousness. Therefore reality is not what we think it is as there is a gap between our minds and what is actually occuringf. It is not a self being confronted by a world of objects. It is actually our sense consciousness taking on the form of the sakaravada. Before there was a need for a self for something to be consciously perceived by the senses but in this theory there is no need for this as we are not in direct contact with the world (bahyartha-pratyaks). The Nyaya- Vaisheshika taught that the world had an objective structure, that we are permanent, that there were persisting entities and they were substances. Dignaga, a Buddhist scholar believed that these categories that have been discovered in reality are just imposed by the workings of the mind and dont actually exist in reality. Through the process of our imagination (kalpana) is what we are giving words to. It is our language that imposes structure of reality. The mind groups svalakshana together. So words for generalities, for classes, for types, for qualities and words for individual substances all would seem to have repeatable properties are just our interpretation of the world and not actually real. Our minds are linking together different particulars and imagine them as an enduring and persisting entity. We forget that we are part of a process and talk in terms of us being stable observers not matter or quantum self, however we are not except from processes. Thus the belief of the self is just a word invented by the mind for the different processes in flux. Yogcara, another School of Buddhism, rejects the Sautrantika and Abhidharma idea of there being a reality independent of the mind. These ideas are interconnected and give rise to other ideas whilst being self illuminating. The unenlightened believe they have a self or they are conscious but this actually arises from a stream of conscious self illuminating ideas. This is because these self-conscious ideas may wrongly believe they have a self when actually they are part of a flux. It is the mind-set that makes us have this belief as this establishes how we perceive the world. Even though the world is mind only, the ideas cast themselves as external resulting in the misconstrued belief that we have a self. People dont feel individual because of the external world but because of the certain habitual mind-set they have, their feelings and moods.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Marx and Weber: Capitalism
Marx and Weber: Capitalism A comparison of Marx and Webers theories with respect to their ideas and interpretations on capitalism. Marxs view of the industrialist society he lived in was one of inequality and driven by capitalism. His ideas and interpretations of capitalism are based on historical precedent and industrialism. He calls the capitalist ownership class, the bourgeoisie, owning the means of production, whilst describing the working class, the proletariat, who provide the means of production. He viewed this capitalist system as being an unjust and unfair one which exploited the proletariat to provide profit and gains for the bourgeoisie. Marx saw capitalism as merely a progression of previous modes of production, such as slavery and feudalism, becoming a system of production of commodities which exploited the workers for the profitable gain of the capitalist bourgeoisie. In the feudal and slavery systems, however, the medieval lords and slave owners were responsible for the welfare of their workers. Whereas, in the capitalist society he saw the capitalists taking unfair advantage of the workers, with a minority owing and monopolising the ownership of the means of production, whilst gaining big profits at the expense of the workers. Wage labourers produce commodities, goods which are produced for exchange. The commodities are sold on the market, and the capitalist pays the labourer a wage. The capitalist gives up some of his capital to the wage labourer in the form of wages in return for the use of his/her labour- power. Labour-power is thus itself a commodity; it is bought and sold A labourer depended on the market value of his skills, or production, to earn a living which the capitalist would sell for maximum profit. However, this profit did not feed back down to the worker, instead it went into the pockets of the already wealthy capitalist. He believed that the workers were exploited for their labour in order to survive. Marx believed that society had progressed through stages of history with each stage providing its own destruction to allow it to progress to a new stage. He believed that every stage of history only progressed to the next stage through a social revolution of some kind and gave it the term Dialectical Materialism . He believed that the economy and materialism are the driving forces behind historical change. He saw the main difference between men and animals, as mans ability to produce his own living, in other words, man owns his own mode of production. However, he saw the workers ability becoming diminished in the factories and with manual labour, with the worker being alienated from his means of production by being given solely specific tasks to complete in a production line. Ultimately, he proposed that through the progression of history, capitalism would be overcome by a revolt of the working class in order for them to overcome their oppression by the capitalists, giving way to a f airer and equal society. He argued that economic structure should be planned to suit the people. Unfortunately in some cases, his theories were taken and twisted by others, giving way to an even more oppressive society, for example, communism in the Union of Soviet Republics (Russia) and the Republic of China, where the control of the working classes were still in the hands of the select few. In contrast, Weber believed that Marxist theories were too simple as he thought Marx saw mainly economic grounds being the driving force behind capitalism. Webers ideas and interpretations on capitalism are predominantly derived from his major work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904-05). From most of the readings done for this essay, it would appear at first sight that Weber views religion as the driving force behind capitalism. However, this is too simplistic a view. Weber was not only interested in the role of religion in capitalism; he was also very interested in discovering the values behind the individuals social behaviour. He saw workers doing what they do because of their commitment to their family, which is why people go to work although the work may not be great and the pay not very substantial. Weber is more interested in the actions of the individual and the affects of society on the individual; therefore, he defines sociology in a different way than Marx, believing that individuals are shaped by their own motives and desires. He liked to use categories and typologies, using three main categories, traditi on, charismatic and legal rational authority. Weber had a wide range of interests, class, social stratification, modernity and religion. Being interested in discovering why capitalism was a Western phenomenon and developed in certain European countries during the industrial revolution, he undertook a study of these countries. In his work The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904-05), Weber makes a connection between protestant beliefs and the emergence of capitalism. Although religion did not bring about capitalism, Weber suggested that religion can cause social change, which in turn could fuel the process of capitalism. He uses Calvinism as an example of how change can be brought about. Calvinists believed that you were already predestined to go to heaven and were either among the elect or not, before you were born. Nothing that happened during your life here earth would alter this election. Calvinism was a puritan form of Protestantism, focusing on self denial, hard work and a predetermined selection for entrance into heaven. As Calvinists did not have any way of knowing whether or not they were part of the elect, they had to act as if they had been chosen; therefore, they lived good lives here on earth and worked hard. It was this ascetic work ethic that Weber believes drove capitalism as making a lot of money was a sign of hard work and no play. As they denied themselves any comfort and pleasures in life, the money they had over and above their meagre living expenses was ploughed into the business making them different from other money makers, in so much that, they made money for moneys sake which was not spent on the frivolities in life. Weber theorised that this Protestant ethic gave rise, encouraging and promoting modern capitalism. He argues that formal rationalisation (the rationale behind making money) would overtake religion and do away with it altogether. Weber saw capitalism as a process of rationalisation and argues that there are s ix factors which are necessary for capitalism to succeed : The appropriation of material means of production; Market freedom; Rational technology (principally mechanisation); Calculable law (forms of adjudication and administration which allow for predictable outcomes); Formally free labour (persons who voluntarily sell their labour-power but must do so to stave off starvation); And the commercialisation of economic life. All these conditions are necessary ingredients in the rise of capitalism in Webers view . Weber also saw bureaucracy as playing a major role in capitalism. Bureaucracy is the form of social organisation in and through which rational-legal authority is exercised and maintained. It is also the form which clearly takes hold with the advent of capitalist economic order. One does not cause the other to arise; they have a h3 affinity Where Marx felt that alienation of the workers from thier products by division of labour within the capitalist system allowed exploitation of workers for capitalist gains, thereby limiting their true freedom, Weber believed that it was bureacracies and rationalisaton that restricted human freedom. Marx believed that mans freedom under capitalism was deceptive and not true freedom. He believed that capitalist wage labour restricted the worker and was really a form of forced labour as the worker relied on his wage to live. The worker could only sell his labour for the price the capitalist would pay for this work or production and for Marx, capitalism was predominantly as system of commodity production and an economic driven system. Weber argued that workers lost control of their work through the forces of rational controlled production and believed that it was inevitable that the bureacracy of the capitalist system would change processes in labour and production order to gain the best profit. But capitalism is identical with the pursuit of profit, and forever renewed profit, by means of continuous, rational, capitalistic enterprise . Weber argued that in a capitalist society the individual join the organised structures and orginasations which are put in place to ensure an effecient structure to ensure the best profit. By joining these organisations, the individual loses their individuality and get cut off themselves and lost in the officialdom, and therefore, become alienated. Weber tends to be seen, or portrayed, as much more pessimistic than Marx. Weber sees society becoming locked in an Iron Cage through bureaucracy, rationality and authority. This order is now bound to the technical and economic conditions of machine production which today determine the lives of all the individuals who are born into this mechanism, not only those directly concerned with economic acquisition, with irresistible force. Perhaps it will so determine them until the last ton of fossilized coal is burnt. In Baxters view the care for external goods should only lie on the shoulders of the saint like a light cloak, which can be thrown aside at any moment. But fate decreed that the cloak should become an iron cage Marx was much more optimistic and saw the possibility of social change through a working class revolution, believing that social democracy is an alternative to capitalism.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Thomas More and the Utopian Dream Essays -- Thomas More Utopia Philoso
More and the Utopian Dream  To some, it can be paradise, to someone else a heaven on earth, and still to others it can mean the Garden of Eden, the New Jerusalem, or even Biosphere 2. What we have come to know as "Utopia," or, "Any idealized place, state, or situation of perfection; any visionary scheme or system for an ideally perfect society" (Neufeldt 1470), is just a name that was coined for us by Sir Thomas More for an eternal idea. There were centuries of utopian ideas before More came up with his idea for Utopia, but he has become the father of the word's meaning. Some of the previous ideal ideas were sources of information for More's book, just as More led the way for hundreds of other Utopias. Today Utopia is just another word in the dictionary, but it took years to develop it into what it is today. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. . . and it was very good" (Bib. Gen. Ch. 1, vs.1, 31). According to biblical doctrine, the earth was in a perfect state after God had created it. There was no sin, and the two inhabitants were pure in thought. The Garden of Eden is the first utopian state that we have on record. Ezekiel said that the Lord, Himself, called it "the Garden of God" (Ch. 28, vs. 13); God, being the supreme of all perfect, could only have a perfect garden. But even the most perfect things, it has been proved, can not be perfect forever; that is the way God planned it. There must be opposition in all things, so Satan was allowed to enter into the picture. First Eve, then Adam partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, a sin in the eyes of God. This was God's plan though, and it led the way for the rest of the world. A little further on in the Bible we find out about the ultima... ...lliam, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Utopia. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Neufeldt, Victoria, ed. Webster's New World Dictionary of American English. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1988. "Sir Thomas More." Luminarium. Online. Internet. 16 Nov. 1997. Space Biospheres Ventures. "The Biosphere 2 Project - A Laboratory For Global Ecology: The Experiment Proceeds With New Crew." Sep. 1993. Online. Internet. 22 Nov. 1997. Tarnas, Richard. The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World Views. New York: Ballantine Books, 1991. Tod, Ian, and Michael Wheeler. Utopia. New York: Harmony Books, 1978. "Utopia." Catholic Encyclopedia. Online. Internet. 25 Oct. 1997 Thomas More and the Utopian Dream Essays -- Thomas More Utopia Philoso More and the Utopian Dream  To some, it can be paradise, to someone else a heaven on earth, and still to others it can mean the Garden of Eden, the New Jerusalem, or even Biosphere 2. What we have come to know as "Utopia," or, "Any idealized place, state, or situation of perfection; any visionary scheme or system for an ideally perfect society" (Neufeldt 1470), is just a name that was coined for us by Sir Thomas More for an eternal idea. There were centuries of utopian ideas before More came up with his idea for Utopia, but he has become the father of the word's meaning. Some of the previous ideal ideas were sources of information for More's book, just as More led the way for hundreds of other Utopias. Today Utopia is just another word in the dictionary, but it took years to develop it into what it is today. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. . . and it was very good" (Bib. Gen. Ch. 1, vs.1, 31). According to biblical doctrine, the earth was in a perfect state after God had created it. There was no sin, and the two inhabitants were pure in thought. The Garden of Eden is the first utopian state that we have on record. Ezekiel said that the Lord, Himself, called it "the Garden of God" (Ch. 28, vs. 13); God, being the supreme of all perfect, could only have a perfect garden. But even the most perfect things, it has been proved, can not be perfect forever; that is the way God planned it. There must be opposition in all things, so Satan was allowed to enter into the picture. First Eve, then Adam partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, a sin in the eyes of God. This was God's plan though, and it led the way for the rest of the world. A little further on in the Bible we find out about the ultima... ...lliam, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Utopia. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Neufeldt, Victoria, ed. Webster's New World Dictionary of American English. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1988. "Sir Thomas More." Luminarium. Online. Internet. 16 Nov. 1997. Space Biospheres Ventures. "The Biosphere 2 Project - A Laboratory For Global Ecology: The Experiment Proceeds With New Crew." Sep. 1993. Online. Internet. 22 Nov. 1997. Tarnas, Richard. The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World Views. New York: Ballantine Books, 1991. Tod, Ian, and Michael Wheeler. Utopia. New York: Harmony Books, 1978. "Utopia." Catholic Encyclopedia. Online. Internet. 25 Oct. 1997
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Vegetarianism Essay -- Healthy Lifestyle Essay
â€Å"Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.†stated Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, 460-377 BC (Silverstone 15). Every American should live by this quote, but things have drastically changed since Hippocrates voiced that divine statement . Nowadays peoples personification of health has nothing to do with what we consume on an everyday basis. Our generation, most certainly will drive straight to McDonalds’s for a Big Mac without hesitation of the harm it is doing to your body. Education of health is essential; people need to learn what they are eating and how it will affect them in the long run. Due to mega rich corporations and institutions, they are keeping all of us in this denial because of pouring millions of dollars into efforts to keep us from knowing what is truly going on (Silverstone 16). Whether it’s to help reduce your risk of diseases, or purely to attain better health, leaving farmed animals entirely out of your diet is an effortless decision with life-long benefits. Plant-based diets will strengthen your immune system, beautify your skin, increase your energy, and reduce risk of various diseases (Silverstone 1). Being vegetarian is a step in the right direction by protecting your health, animals, and the environment. As a human being, by nature are we meant to be meat-eaters? Giehl et al. argues that â€Å"It has been discovered that the diet of any animal in its natural state fits to its anatomical structure and established body functions. With attentive analysis, it is evident that humans are not naturally suited to a diet which includes flesh.†For example, when you look at meat animals such as wolfs, lions, hyenas, etc their fang teeth are built to rip flesh and devour meat. It would be vir... ... only do I feel fitter on daily basis, my body hasn't been seriously sick since being vegetarian. I actually was convinced to finally give up meat after reading the book â€Å"The Kind Diet†by Alicia Silverstone. I have never been fond of killing animals but once educating myself I knew I could never go back to consuming meat. Being healthy, protecting animals, and saving the environment are the key reasons to become a vegetarian. Adapting to a vegetarian lifestyle will benefit you in several ways and contribute to making our society more livable. Your making a difference, and taking a stand for what you believe in. There are plenty of appetizing recipes for a vegetarian, you will never lack from inefficient amount of food. If you choose to eat meat or not, taking vegetarianism into consideration can only feed your body with nutrients and elongate your delicate life.
Thomas Fudge on his Vanilla Jefferson :: essays research papers fc
Thomas Jefferson by Norman Risjord is a biography of the third president of the United States that takes Thomas Jefferson from his youth through his later years in the early 19th century. The purpose of this book is to give a political and social overview of the Thomas Jefferson's life and career. It was written for both the student of American history and the casual reader interested in the genesis of the United States government, seen through the eyes of one of its founding fathers. The value of this book is that it shows that Jefferson was not a saint, yet he was one of the most intelligent presidents that the country has ever had. Risjord has given the book great value because he has framed Jefferson among his peers. Consequently, the book truly comes to life, and the reader is able to learn about Jefferson as well as his contemporaries James Madison, John Marshall, and John Adams. The scope of the book is all-inclusive. Risjord begins with Jefferson's birth on April 13, 1743 on his father's plantation, Shadwell, in Goochland County on the western edge. The narrative continues on to show Jefferson graduating from William and Mary College, then entering politics in Virginians House of Burgesses in 1769. Jefferson married Martha Skelton on New Year's Day, 1772. With the Virginia legislature from 1776 to 1779, Jefferson formed the groundwork for abolition of entail and primogeniture, for the establishment of religious freedom, and not for the public school system. Jefferson was of course the author of the Declaration of Independence, and because he had set this document in motion, he waited out the Revolutionary War to see if the colonies would win. If they had lost, Jefferson would have been hanged for treason against the King of England. He served as the minister to France from 1785 to 1789. At this time there was growing opposition to Alexander Hamilton and his policies, and Jefferson associated himself with a group called the Republicans, who were actually forerunners to the present Democratic Party. While Jefferson was serving as vice President from 1797 to 1801, he drafted the Kentucky Resolutions. He was elected President following a long deadlock with Aaron Burr in the House of Representatives. This happened mainly because Alexander Hamilton considered Burr the more dangerous man and he gave his support to Jefferson. Jefferson's election was a great victory for the democratic forces, but it was black Tuesday to the thousands of Federalists who believed that the Republican leader was an atheistic anarchist who feared that his administration would be that of a bloodyhanded revolutionist.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Pros and cons of the Death Penalty Essay
Capital Punishment, legal infliction of death as a penalty for violating criminal law. Methods of execution have included such practices as crucifixion, stoning, drowning, burning at the stake, impaling, and beheading. Today capital punishment is typically accomplished by lethal gas or injection, electrocution, hanging, or shooting. The death penalty is the most controversial penal practice in the modern world. The United States stands apart from the general trends on capital punishment. It is the only Western industrialized nation where executions still take place. Furthermore, it is the only nation that combines frequent executions with a highly developed legal system characterized by respect for individual rights. Some of the pros and cons are as follows: Pros- Just Punishment- A punishment is just if it recognizes the seriousness of the crime. â€Å"Let the punishment fit the crime†is a generally accepted and sound precept. In structuring criminal sentences, society must determine what punishment fits the premeditated taking of innocent human life. To be proportionate to the offense of cold-blooded murder, the penalty for such an offense must acknowledge the inviolability of human life. Without a death penalty, the criminal law’s penalties will essentially â€Å"top out†and will not differentiate murder from other offenses. Only if the sentencing structure allows for a substantially greater penalty for murder will the range of penalties fully reflect the seriousness of ending the life of an innocent human being. Deterrence- The death penalty is also justified because of its deterrent effect, which saves the lives of innocent persons by discouraging potential murderers. Logic supports the conclusion that capital punishment is the most effective deterrent for premeditated murders. A capital sentence is certainly a more feared penalty than a prison term. The lengths to which convicted murderers go to avoid imposition of this sentence clearly demonstrates this fact, as do interviews with prison inmates. To be sure, the death penalty does not deter all murders. But because a capital sentence is more severe than other penalties, it is reasonable to assume that its existence will lead at least some potential murderers to decide against risking execution. As the Supreme Court has observed, â€Å"There are carefully contemplated murders, such as the murder for hire, where the possible penalty of death may well enter into the cold calculus that precedes the decision to act.†Incapacitation- Capital punishment also serves to effectively prevent murderers from killing again. This incapacitation effect is particularly important because of the continuing risk posed by those who have already taken a human life. For example, according to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, of 52,000 state prison inmates serving time for murder in 1984, an estimated 810 had previously been convicted of murder. Had some of these murderers been given the death penalty for their first murders, innocent people would have been spared. . Only a capital sentence can permanently end the threat to others posed by the most serious murderers. The death penalty gives closure to the victim’s families who have suffered so much. It provides a punishment and deterrent for someone who’s already sentenced to life in prison. Prisoner parole or escapes can give criminals another chance to kill. Cons- Risk to the Innocent- The risk that an innocent person might be executed, Unlike all other criminal punishments, the death penalty is irrevocable,(IRREVERSIBLE) CAPITAL PUNISHMENT COSTS MORE THAN INCARCERATION A murder trial normally takes much longer when the death penalty is at issue than when it is not. Litigation costs – including the time of judges, prosecutors, public defenders, and court reporters, and the high costs of briefs – are mostly borne by the taxpayer. A 1982 study showed that were the death penalty to be reintroduced in New York, the cost of the capital trial alone would be more than double the cost of a life term in prison. It is barbaric and violates the â€Å"cruel and unusual†clause in the Bill of Rights,some people believe. We as a society have to move away from the â€Å"eye for an eye†revenge mentality if civilization is to advance. It sends the wrong message: why kill people who kill people to show killing is wrong. Some jury members are reluctant to convict if it means putting someone to death. The prisoner’s family must suffer from seeing their loved one put to death by the state. It is useless in that it doesn’t bring the victim back to life. The death penalty is racially biased against African Americans Statistical evidence conducted on cases of similar crimes found that African American defendants are over four times as likely to be executed as their White counterparts. A similar study noted that White defendants face almost no chance of execution when their victim is African-American. While African Americans make up only 13% of the U.S. population, over 40% of death-row inmates are African-American. In light of these gross inequalities, the continuation of capital punishment constitutes egregious discrimination. it is also true that those on death row come disproportionately from low-income and high-crime geographic areas. That such areas are disproportionately populated by African Americans is a tragic correlation, painting a troubling portrait of a nation that lacks equality. Mistakes can be made, Advances in forensic medicine and DNA testing are leading to more and more exoneration’s of convicted criminals.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Rhetoric and Paragraph
What is a paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences that are all about one specific idea. It should begin with a topic sentence, that is, a sentence which addresses the subject of the paragraph. The other sentences in the paragraph should supply information that helps to explain the topic. How long should a paragraph be? There is no set length for a paragraph, but, generally, three full sentences are considered the minimum, and half a page is considered the maximum. What are the kinds of paragraph? Narration Narrative paragraphs/essays are often a chronological (make contain flashbacks) presentation of events that add up to a story. Paragraphs of this type contain protagonist and an antagonist, setting, conflict and resolution. They often contain a lot of description, but this is not essential. Description Descriptive types of paragraphs/essays are written in such a way that the reader is able to imagine the scene, object, person, etc. Series of detailed observations are recorded, using sensory language. Descriptions are like narrative paragraphs, with visual characteristics unfolding in a dramatized way. The main objective of a description is to move the story ahead. Definition Definition type of paragraphs/essays, provide meaning about a topic, using events and happenings. A strong effort should be made to clearly explain what something is, rather than what it is not. ComparisonThe objective of paragraphs/essays written in the comparison style is to compare, two or more objects, characters, events, etc. Two types of comparison are used-a point by point comparison or a topic by topic comparison. Persuasion A persuasive paragraph/essay is used in editorials, essays and columns. A direct approach is the best in writing a persuasive paragraph. The objective of a persuasive paragraph is to persuade people to change their minds, or take action. Persuasive paragraphs help people formulate an opinion and/or deepen it, by adding conviction. These essays must use concrete evidence followed by commentary in order to be effective. Exposition Expository paragraphs are explanatory in nature. They could be an important part of a description or narration. Credibility should be added in an expository paragraph, by citing authorities that have good credentials. This type of paragraph can also be a justifier that explains why something is important, for example why a memory or place or a function or activity is important. Process analysis A process analysis paragraph describes how a process happens, through a series of sequential actions. This type of paragraph is usually followed by illustrations, as they help explain the process better. What is a topic sentence? A topic sentence (also known as a focus sentence in some cases) encapsulates or organizes an entire paragraph. Although topic sentences may appear anywhere in a paragraph, in academic essays they often appear at the beginning. What is paragraph unity? Coherence? Emphasis? A good paragraph has the characteristics of unity, coherence and emphasis. In unity a paragraph must be unified on its structure. In coherence a paragraph must establish continuity within or towards the other paragraph. In emphasis the idea within the paragraph should be given importance and made to stand. Unity A paragraph is a unit of composition that established oneness because it develops a central and main idea on its structure. The entire paragraph must be unified on its structure and all the sentences within the paragraph should focus on the topic sentence. There are several violations in which the unity of the paragraph is lost. One of these is by the inclusion of the second central idea which divides the idea of the entire paragraph. Another violation is the inclusion of one or more sentences containing details that are not really related to the paragraph’s main ideas. There are also cases in which there is no central idea that was being established within the paragraph resulting to the disunity of sentences in the paragraph composition. Coherence Coherence is considered as the continuity between as well as within the paragraph. It is very important to arrange and link the sentences between the paragraphs to be able to make the readers follow the thought or the idea that want to be implied. There are several logical orders in which coherence can be established. These logical orders are the spatial orders, deductive order and inductive order. Chronological order is done in such ways like narrating experiences, summarizing the steps in the process and explaining events and movements. Spatial order can be established through the arrangement of visual details in some consistent sequences such as from left to right, east to west, near or distant and vice versa. Deductive order is done by establishing a general statement moving to the more particular details that explain the general statement itself. Inductive order is done by starting the statement with more particular detail going to and supporting the general statement. Coherence can also be established through the use of some special devices. These transitional devices are the transitional keywords; the reference of pronoun, the repetition of keywords and the use of the parallel structure. The transitional words and phrases serve as indicators of the different relationships that need to be connected to be able to establish coherence in the paragraph. The reference of pronoun is a device used to avoid needles repetition in the paragraph. The repetition of keywords is used in such a way that the keywords that are related to the central idea in order to establish coherence. The parallel structure is used to call attention to similar idea in the paragraph. Emphasis Emphasis is the principle of the paragraph composition in which the important ideas are made to stand. In here it is very important that the main points of the writer should be evident inside the paragraph. Having an emphasis can be achieved by using some devices such as the use of emphasis by proportion, emphasis by pause and emphasis by position. In the emphasis by proportion, the subordinate ideas should be given less substance while ideas which have greater importance should be given more substance. In the emphasis by pause, the emphasis is established by making chapter divisions, paragraph breaks as well as mark of punctuation. In the emphasis by position, the beginning and end of the paragraph are considered as crucial points where emphasis should be placed, emphasis are usually positioned in these places.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Mr. Gascoigne’s company Essay
I am going to create a macro that will allow Mr Gascoigne’s company, (Shoes ‘n all) to insert a different response into a template letter, so that the letter will contain the necessary information appropriate for the use. I am going to create 4 different Macros. They will input a short paragraph that will tell the reader about their credit bill to the company. The 4 Macro’s will be: 1. To open the Master Letter 2. Telling the reader that their credit bill is up to date and that they hope that the customer will continue using the company to buy their shoes. 3. Telling the customer that their credit bill is slightly behind and that the require the credit bill as soon as possible 4. Telling the customer that they haven’t paid their bill for quite a while and that their credit account has been closed. 5. A slogan that will appear in the footer. I first created a simple letter and put in ‘ new and opened a blank document. New was the time to start recording. I wanted to record a macro that would open the master Document. To start to record the Macro I went to tools-> Macros ->Record new Macros (left) Once I had pressed it a new box came up, where I inputted the Name. I named it master and pressed OK (Below) Now that I had opened the file I pressed Stop on the Macro Tool bar. Now that the master had been created. I wanted to start recording the responses to go in the letter. So to record in the first response I first needed to load the master Macro because it contains the different responses and the blank letter. To load the Macro I went to Tools -> Macro -> Play Macro Now that the letter had been opened I wanted to start to record a new macro. I started it the same way as I did at point 1 and entered the name as Para. Again, like before the cursor turned into a picture of a tape, to signify that it is recording. When recording macros it is unadvisable to use the mouse to select text because it sometimes causes complications. So what I wanted to do was to select the paragraph, Copy it, Move up to the blank space in the letter and paste in the paragraph. So to do this all on keyboard I moved down the page to the paragraph by using the cursor keys. Once I got to the first paragraph I wanted to highlight it. To do this without the mouse I went to the point before the paragraph, held down shift and scrolled along the text using the cursor keys. I stopped scrolling at the end of the paragraph. This then highlighted the text. Now I wanted to copy it. The hotkey to copy it on a keyboard is Ctrl+C. This then saved the information to the clipboard. Now I wanted to paste the paragraph in the blank space. So I scrolled up to the space using the cursor keys. To paste the copied text in I just pressed Ctrl+V. This then pasted the paragraph in to the slot needed. I then used the mouse to stop recording the macro like I did at point 1. I recorded the other three macros like I did at point 2 and named each one Para 1, Para 2 and Para 3. Now I wanted to create a macro so that it will input a slogan into the footer. So I started off recording it and named the macro as Slogan. Using the mouse is necessary when creating a footer, but it is usually advisable to use the keyboard whenever possible. So I used the mouse and pressed View-> Header and Footer (Bottom Left) Now That the actual bar was created I just wanted to insert the macros in to the toolbar. So I pressed the commands tab and dragged each of the macros into the toolbar. Once they had been dragged in, they looked like this. As you can see the icons are very wordy. So I decided to assign a picture to each of them so it would be easier select them and understand them. So, to do this I: 1. Selected the icon. 2. Press Modify Selection 3. Select Change Button Image 4. Select the picture So I selected a different picture for each icon. I tried to make it as appropriate as I could Master=Speak Para1=Happy Face Para2=Piggy Bank Para3=Unhappy Face Footer=Steps It is also possible to change the Macro in the actual code. To open the macro code I went to Tools-> Macro->Macros I then selected the Macro I wanted to edit and Selected edit. The code then appeared. I then Edited it. See documents 6 & 7 Sam Flower Macro’s and Toolbars GNVQ IT Page 1.
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