Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Comparing and Contrasting the Children in Susan Skinner’s ‘the Minnow Catching Boys’ and ‘My Parents Kept Me from Cildren Who Were Rough’ by Stephen Spender
Comparing and Contrasting the children in Susan Skinner’s ‘The Minnow Catching Boys’ and ‘My Parents Kept Me from Children who were Rough’ by Stephen Spender. In this essay I am going to discuss ‘The Minnow Catching Boys’ by Susan Skinner and ‘My Parents kept me from Children who were Rough’ by Stephen Spender. I will focus on the similarities and differences between the children in the poems in terms of their actions, the language used to describe them and their impact on the reader. The Minnow Catching Boys’ is a poem about a group of boys who very skillful and adventurous. ‘My Parents kept me from children who were rough’ is also about a group of boy bullies who really torture others a lot and play rough. The children in ‘The Minnow Catching Boys’ are described as skillful and the outdoor-type boys. This poem is based on a Victorian/older lifetime according to its facts; Boys nowadays play video games and are interested in technology or sports. This also refers to the quote â€Å"the sun burnt boys’ which means that sunscreen was not invented.I would imagine them as scruffy boys wearing a shirt with a waistcoat and knee breeches (knee length shorts from older times); all dull colours and by looking back it says ‘Breeches rolled’. The children are in a focused, competitive mood, as said in the poem, ‘Scan and dip’ as well as ‘they make bets poke and tip, their nimble catch’. ‘For they have always been here the minnow catching boys. ’ makes me think that this competitive hobby has been passed down from many generations. ‘†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. And when they have had enough, the minnow catching boys make their way home’ makes me think these boys are very carefree.I thought quotes like ‘†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. And a small girl who can never quite catch up calls for them to wait, but no one waitsâ€⠄¢ give me a feeling that these boys are mean and cruel or maybe just in a rush. The quote ‘ The dog shakes off in a cascade of diamonds’ is one of the most striking pieces of imagery for me because it imaginatively describe thousands of sparkling water droplets as a ‘cascade of diamonds’. The tone which this poem would be read in would be slow and suspending- long pauses. You would read this poem in this tone so you can get your audience right ‘into’ the scene-as the boys are focused and concentrating too hard.The children in ‘My Parents kept me from Children who were rough’ are described as mean, arrogant and a fierce group of bullies. I imagine them as very scruffy boys with their clothes torn; as they don’t care. I think they would be wearing the same clothes as the boys in the other poem but in an ill-suited manner. I think this poem is also set in the same time as the other poem- older times/Victorian times. This poem quotes ‘They threw words like stones’ which makes me think that these boys are rude, ill-mannered and that their insults really ‘hurt’ people- using words like weapons.These boys were also involved in physical abuses to others, which refers to the quote’ Their knees tight on my arms’. ‘They were lithe’, this quote makes me think these boys are super-fit, strong, flexible and very versatile. I think these boys look like are big headed and want to be threatening to people. Their parents might not able to control them or maybe are not even aware of their actions. ‘Muscles like iron ‘says that these boys are unbeatable and formidably strong. I would like to read this poem in a fast, envious tone, because I think that the narrator is envying these strong and super-fit boys. Comparing and Contrasting the Children in Susan Skinner’s ‘the Minnow Catching Boys’ and ‘My Parents Kept Me from Cildren Who Were Rough’ by Stephen Spender Comparing and Contrasting the children in Susan Skinner’s ‘The Minnow Catching Boys’ and ‘My Parents Kept Me from Children who were Rough’ by Stephen Spender. In this essay I am going to discuss ‘The Minnow Catching Boys’ by Susan Skinner and ‘My Parents kept me from Children who were Rough’ by Stephen Spender. I will focus on the similarities and differences between the children in the poems in terms of their actions, the language used to describe them and their impact on the reader. The Minnow Catching Boys’ is a poem about a group of boys who very skillful and adventurous. ‘My Parents kept me from children who were rough’ is also about a group of boy bullies who really torture others a lot and play rough. The children in ‘The Minnow Catching Boys’ are described as skillful and the outdoor-type boys. This poem is based on a Victorian/older lifetime according to its facts; Boys nowadays play video games and are interested in technology or sports. This also refers to the quote â€Å"the sun burnt boys’ which means that sunscreen was not invented.I would imagine them as scruffy boys wearing a shirt with a waistcoat and knee breeches (knee length shorts from older times); all dull colours and by looking back it says ‘Breeches rolled’. The children are in a focused, competitive mood, as said in the poem, ‘Scan and dip’ as well as ‘they make bets poke and tip, their nimble catch’. ‘For they have always been here the minnow catching boys. ’ makes me think that this competitive hobby has been passed down from many generations. ‘†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. And when they have had enough, the minnow catching boys make their way home’ makes me think these boys are very carefree.I thought quotes like ‘†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. And a small girl who can never quite catch up calls for them to wait, but no one waitsâ€⠄¢ give me a feeling that these boys are mean and cruel or maybe just in a rush. The quote ‘ The dog shakes off in a cascade of diamonds’ is one of the most striking pieces of imagery for me because it imaginatively describe thousands of sparkling water droplets as a ‘cascade of diamonds’. The tone which this poem would be read in would be slow and suspending- long pauses. You would read this poem in this tone so you can get your audience right ‘into’ the scene-as the boys are focused and concentrating too hard.The children in ‘My Parents kept me from Children who were rough’ are described as mean, arrogant and a fierce group of bullies. I imagine them as very scruffy boys with their clothes torn; as they don’t care. I think they would be wearing the same clothes as the boys in the other poem but in an ill-suited manner. I think this poem is also set in the same time as the other poem- older times/Victorian times. This poem quotes ‘They threw words like stones’ which makes me think that these boys are rude, ill-mannered and that their insults really ‘hurt’ people- using words like weapons.These boys were also involved in physical abuses to others, which refers to the quote’ Their knees tight on my arms’. ‘They were lithe’, this quote makes me think these boys are super-fit, strong, flexible and very versatile. I think these boys look like are big headed and want to be threatening to people. Their parents might not able to control them or maybe are not even aware of their actions. ‘Muscles like iron ‘says that these boys are unbeatable and formidably strong. I would like to read this poem in a fast, envious tone, because I think that the narrator is envying these strong and super-fit boys.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Optical Character Recognition for Kids Learning Essay
Education is the learning and development which results from this process of teaching or training. It is the academic discipline dealing with teaching and learning methods in the schools. Learning starts at home and the parents are their first teachers to their kids. When they are about 4 to 6 years of age, parents are starting to bring their children at school where they are able to learn not only the basic skills such as reading and writing but also to develop simple logic and abstract ideas like numbers, shapes, colors, time and many more. Yet, learning first how to write is by far the most important lesson of all and is the priority of all those people who are teaching childhood education. Writing is a skill that is used in all academic coursework as well as through a person’s professional and personal life. Children learn about reading and writing by thinking about the sounds that words make and what those words look like when written out. When children are eager to learn something, they want to explore it themselves. Nowadays, children’s potentials are determined by their ability to learn the basics of writing and reading at their very early age (Patterson C (2008). Child Development. New York: McGraw-Hill. ). In today’s complicated world, the continuing advancing of technology has opened many doors when it comes to education. Technology has become an influential factor when it comes to education. This gives students the opportunity to choose what they are interested in learning. Computers have started to make a huge impact in our lives and begun to show up not only in only offices and households, but also in classrooms, as they have become cheaper, more powerful, and easier to use. There have been many software applications developed for the purpose of education and for use in the classroom. Computers and mobile phones are used in developed countries both to complement established education practices and develop new ways of learning such as the concept of E-learning. It is the unifying term to describe the fields of online learning, web-based training, and technology-delivered instruction. By adding interactivity to teaching, Not only wo uld the children will be able to see what is involved, but he or she would be able to learn from hands on experience. Computers can be a very effective way of accomplishing this. The use of computers in Elementary schools is basically vision as teaching and learning aid besides develop computer literacy amongst the children. Computer Aided Instruction will help us to make the present teaching learning process joyful, interesting and easy to understand through audio-visual aids. Teachers will be resourced with Multimedia Contents to explain topic better. Overall it will help us to improve quality of education in long term. In this study, the proponents develop software that will be an aid for teaching children how to write by using stylus and be able to write on the touch screen monitor of the computer. A stylus is a pen-shaped instrument that is used to draw images, select from menus and write characters which come with different devices that contain touch screens. The following are some of the reasons the proponents have develop such software: (1)Time constraints. Considering it applied in classes, children are pressured in terms of completing a given handwriting task which affects their performance. (2)Level of activities. Occasionally, activities that are held in classes may be inappropriate when it comes to the capabilities of the students. (3)Limited school activities. Children are only provided limited amount of activities in school to learn a specific area in school particularly handwriting. (4)Assessment procedure. Usually, it takes time for the instructor to evaluate the handwriting activities that they are providing for the kids. The basic handwriting software for kids will show certain gif format containing simple steps on how to write the letters and audio sounds to identify what letter should be written. Children can trace uppercase and lowercase letters using the stylus and will be evaluated afterwards in a friendly manner. The program will also contain a different order of teaching a child to write the alphabet and works can be saved. The program has a quiz section that assesses the learning of the child without the aided instruction of gif format. To help children to construct correct handwriting, there would seem to be a case for the use of ruled writing spaces and assist them to follow the proper procedure of writing a specific character and obtain precise strokes. There would also a field references or guidelines for line and cursive character in the every letter of alphabet. Error messages, if used, need to be in a simple English language that the children can easily understand. A different level of practicing is considered to be sure that children will be able to take hold of the writing technique through gif images that shows how characters should be constructed properly. An erase function will also be available as a feature for the children to make them avoid discouragement from scribbling out and overwriting. The children should see at the screen the characters they intend to write and see the results produced after the program recognizes it and be able to see the evaluation of their performance afterwards. Children should be able to understand what was happening effectively. There will be a comment or message alert for every wrong input of the children. The group will use an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) which is a subsystem for pattern recognition. Character recognition identifies the input handwriting and translates it into a machine language or the ASCII. With OCR, the software could identify and evaluate the child’s handwriting performance. When the child inputs the character the OCR will read and identifies whether the character is valid. If the character is valid the evaluation will takes place and calculate the handwriting performance of the children. There will be a set of points within a specific character that has a corresponding score. Children will be evaluated according to the use of Back Propagation algorithm. Back Propagation algorithm will trace the input characters and get the error percentage. A deduction will be conducted to the total score of the user if he fails to follow the designated ordinates. Scores will be evaluated and will be shown as follows; Very Good, Good and Fair. The software that will be implemented will serve as a teaching tool in developing handwriting skills of kids ages 6 and below only which can be used by pre-school teachers and parents as well. It is only an alternative way of teaching basic handwriting rather than the traditional way of learning. The validity of the software can be tested by parents, homeschoolers and teachers who have acquired the skills and knowledge in teaching the traditional process especially those teachers in nurseries and kindergarten. Chapter II Review of Related Literature Children’s Early Age Children ages 4-5-6 need some attention and care and parents must be able to identify the interest of the child and what they are capable of. In this stage they will be responsible but they still need assistance. They can do simple things on their own like wearing clothes, tying their shoes, brushing their teeth and others. In this stage of development they have their own specific interests like playing blocks, dawdling and others. Play with other children who need what she needs and like what she likes, who understand her because they are the same age, becomes very important to most children. By the age of 4-5 children can now accept the social interaction with other children. (Irma Simonton Black, Children from 4-5-6) There are other activities in this early age that are very short tempered to parents like dawdling but according to Black â€Å"Dawdling may be a child’s indirect way of asking for help, of asking for the warmth and quick affection of his babyhood†. If the child needs parent’s help they must give them a full hand but remember that there are some help that can be done by the child like putting and tying their shoes. The role of a parent is to be helpful, sympathetic and patient. Parents must also praise for the things that the child accomplish rather than disapproval of the things the he/ she did not do. Children are very easy to learn but they must need guidance and care. ThE-learning capabilities of children need time and patience. (Ruth Mason 2000) Schoolchild Development The E-learning capabilities of this early stage is different they can develop a sense of logic and often sticks with a problem until he/she has solved it. They can gain a sense of satisfaction from tackling simple number problems. These new ability gives confidence in developing and expressing on their own point of view. They can also grasp more abstract ideas, like numbers, time and distance. During this time the brain undergoes its most dramatic growth, and children rapidly develop the cognitive capacity that enables them to become intellectually curious and creative thinkers. In this child development they can now focus on their interest like reading books on related subject that are taught in the school. They can now express their point of view and reasoning. (Graham, Rob and Hess, Heidi) There are also circumstances that hinder child’s development and this is thE-learning Disability this causes a person to have troublE-learning and using certain skills. The skills most often affected are: reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing math. â€Å"Learning disabilities (LD) vary from person to person. One person with LD may not have the same kind of learning problems as another person with LD†according to National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. Learning Disability is not a sickness but this situation are caused by the different approach of processing the brain. Learning Disability does not include visual, hearing and motor disability and also mental retardation. There are no concrete sign of having learning disability but by observing them you can actually identify and these signs are helpful: †¢ may have troublE-learning the alphabet, rhyming words, or connecting letters to their sounds; †¢ may make many mistakes when reading aloud, and repeat and pause often; †¢ may not understand what he or she reads; †¢ may have real trouble with spelling; †¢ may have very messy handwriting or hold a pencil awkwardly; †¢ may learn language late and have a limited vocabulary; †¢ may have trouble understanding jokes, comic strips, and sarcasm; †¢ may have trouble following directions; †¢ may mispronounce words or use a wrong word that sounds similar; And to help children with this disability parents must identify the strengths of their child. The parents must praise the good things about their child with this disability .And for teachers they can help their child with such disability by: †¢ breaking tasks into smaller steps, and giving directions verbally and in writing; †¢ giving the student more time to finish schoolwork or take tests; †¢ letting the student with reading problems use textbooks-on-tape (available through Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, listed under Organizations); †¢ letting the student with listening difficulties borrow notes from a classmate or use a tape recorder; and †¢ letting the student with writing difficulties use a computer with specialized software that spell checks, grammar checks, or recognizes speech. (National Dissemination for Learning Disability) Children’s School Level This is often categorized in pre-school and kindergarten levels. Pre-school is the preparation ground for children, this shows how kids will they be when they are 7 because of different aspects. In this level of education children only go to school for an hour which includes playing and 20-30 minutes of listening. The schools strategize a three days per week at an academic program and two days per week at a play-based school, hoping to achieve the best of both worlds. Preschool are very egocentric which they believe everyone sees the world as they sees it. They still don’t know what is the cause and effect and they give a process that is not logical and complex. They also focus on one event and ignore the other. According to Martha E. Mock â€Å"Young children learn best through meaningful interaction with real materials and caring adults and their peers, not through the drilling of isolated skills†. Preschool approach is commonly a play-based program to enjoy child academically and socially. After they excel in preschool year they can now step to kindergarten where they can formally in different approach. (Laura Davy, 2007) Kindergarten is being called nowadays as a new first grade of education. But be sure that your child is ready for kindergarten and there are signs to identify that are being analyzed by parents. This checklist are created by the National Center Disabilities Inc,. The purpose of kindergarten is to show the child the good feelings about learning and school. This is the building block for stepping in first grade. The curriculum starts by building familiarity with a wide number of aspects of the written and spoken word. In kindergarten the general trend of teaching is basic literacy and writing t hat is covered for first grader. The students taught a basic curriculum in all subjects, including science, social studies, and arts; but the most important academic topics will be literacy, handwriting exercise and math, which underlie everything else to come. Handwriting and dawdling is the common tool for expressing children’s idea and taught. (Julie Williams, 2007) Handwriting Handwriting is the first education that is needed for children. This is important because research shows that when children are taught how to do it, they are also being taught how to learn and how to express themselves. Handwriting is the best way to express children’s idea and feelings to their loved ones and friends. Emily Knapton, director of program development at Handwriting without Tears, believes that â€Å"when kids struggle with handwriting, it filters into all their academics. Spelling becomes a problem; math becomes a problem because they reverse their numbers. All of these subjects would be much easier for these kids to learn if handwriting was an automatic process†. In the research led by the professor of Venderbilt University, Steve Graham he found out that teachers believe that students with fluent handwriting produced written assignments that were superior in quantity and quality and resulted in higher grades aside from being easier to read. Evidence is growing that handwriting fluency is a fundamental building block of learning. It should be exciting and an enjoyable activity through which children can experience success. If we stop teaching penmanship, it will not only hasten the dreaded day when brides acknowledge wedding gifts by e-mail; the bigger danger is, they’ll be composed even more poorly than they already are. According to Baggett, changing a child’s handwriting can improve their grades, their behaviour, and their self-esteem. (Raina Kelley, 2007) Process of Teaching Handwriting In teaching the children the best way is to write their name first. Begin with lower case letters, rather than capital letters. This mechanism will help the child when first encountering reading and writing because lower case letters are commonly seen in the books. (Shirley Erwee The time span in teaching is between 20-30 minutes to avoid boredom. If the parents teach the child to write in large interval of time they will lost their interest. Their eyes are not that fully developed so they have no focus on every book or page like adults. This technique will avoid child’s eye strain and the limit is 15-20 minutes. Encourage the child in continuing handwriting practices and praise the work of the children. Do not compare the work of the child to the other children because they have a process in developing this talent. (Sandhya S. Naidu) 1. OVERSEE HANDWRITING PRACTICE When children are practicing handwriting it is very important that you oversee their work so that they do not develop bad habits. Take over some inappropriate letters so that they will not rooted to it. 2. ONE OBJECTIVE AT A TIME Focus on correcting or improving one objective at a time – be it a particular letter, spacing, size, alignment, etc. 3. PRACTICE DAILY Handwriting practice should be scheduled every day but keep lessons short for best results. 4. CORRECT PENCIL GRIP Correct pencil grip allows a writer to write quickly and smoothly, while a tight or awkward grip can hinder writing. 5. PROPER POSTURE Be sure that your child is sitting properly at a surface that is not too high. Her arms should rest comfortably and her feet should be supported (by the floor or a box), rather than hanging loosely. This is to avoid fatigue and bad habits which may develop as a result of improper posture. Monitor your child’s posture regularly. 6. BE PATIENT Improvement in handwriting requires a combination of skills and developmental maturity. Each child will progress at her own rate. Remember that fine motor skills develop more slowly in boys, than gross motor skills. 7. KEEP HANDWRITING SEPARATE Keep handwriting practice or copy work separate from composition and other writing tasks, which require attention to other skills such as focus on content, organizing ideas, editing, spelling, punctuation etc. so that students will not be reluctant to write. Assessing Child Handwriting According to Occupational Therapy Handwriting Resources in assessing child’s handwriting there must be clinical observation skills. There are different clinical observation skills and uses according to purpose. The child’s proper grip in pen or pencil is important because improper grip can cause fatigue and joint problems. The proper grip is the normal dynamic tripod give where the thumb is placed at the side of the pencil and the index finger is placed on the top of the pencil. The pencil is stabilized on the side of the middle finger. This position allows for needed stability and mobility. Improper grip can cause: – lead to joint problem and early fatigue in written assignments – tightness or pain in the thumb web spaces (Occupational Therapy Handwriting Resources) The Evaluation Tool for Children’s Handwriting (ETCH) is an assessment that ensures the legibility in word, letter and numeral percentage, as well as letters per minute. Pencil control, near and far point copying, manuscript to cursive translation, dictation and sentence completion are included. The Bruininks Oserteksy Test of Fine Motor Proficiency assesses motor proficiency of students without disabilities, as well as those with serious motor dysfunctions and developmental difficulties. It is administered to children from ages 4 years 6 months to 14 years 6 months. Occupational Therapist typically administer only the fine motor development subtests which include: – response speed – visual-motor control – upper-limb speed and dexterity The Peabody Developmental Motor Scales is composed of six subtests that measure inter related motor abilities that develop early in life. It assesses the motor skills of children from birth through 5 years of age. Occupational Therapist typically administers the grasping and visual motor subset. (Occupational Therapy Handwriting Resources) The assessment for teachers is based on the books and criteria. Teachers tend to teach children according to books instruction. The child needs some patience and virtue to achieve a good handwriting skill. This skill can visualize the children’s future and development. Handwriting as a Symbol of Success There are also instances that penmanship and handwriting predicts success according to Bart Baggett. They also identify the handwriting of Michael J. Fox , Martin Luther King and Oprah Winfrey which shows success. Baggetts identify the seven personality traits according to stroke that are common to successful people. – High Goals and Ambition (t-bars crossed on the top of the stem) – Strong self-esteem (Large signature and high crossed t-bars) – Determination (heavy downstrokes below the baseline) – Persistence (not picking up your pen when you cross the letter t) – Strong Physical Drives (large and heavy y and g loops) – Long Lasting Enduring Emotions (pressing very hard on the paper) – Enthusiasm (extra long strokes to make the crossing of your t) Handwriting is an important task to learn by the child and need some proper interaction to their instructor or teacher and also parents. (Yenra, 2007) Interaction for Teacher The quality of interactions between teachers and children plays a key role in accounting for gains in children’s development when compared to typical quality indicators such as teachers’ education, class size, and child-to-teacher ratio. High-quality instructional interactions happened when teachers provided children with feedback on their ideas, commented in ways that extended and expanded their skills, and frequently used discussions and activities to promote complex thinking. Teachers by doing this teacher-child interaction the children can improve or develop good cognitive, socio-emotional and language skills. Interaction could help children understand the knowledge he/she wants to gain, like media that are so interactive nowadays. The size and number of the students is not the basis for thE-learning of the child but the interaction of the teacher’s to them. A child learns a large amount of knowledge with the help of the emotional interaction. (Physorg, 2008) Children’s Interact Emotionally In early stage children does not only learn social skills and language but they also learn the act of sensitivity and emotion. Having a social interaction helps child to develop their logic and sense of reasoning. With this emotional interaction they can decrease their fear in reasoning out or expressing their emotion. Interaction benefits every child very much, because they not only get one on one time to talk to their teacher but they also produce positive relationships between teachers and students. Teachers by doing this teacher-child interaction the children can improve or develop good cognitive, socio-emotional and language skills. There are also materials that are very interactive to children and they could gain knowledge with this interaction. Technologies nowadays are very interactive to child which helps them to learn more. (Killi, 2008) Technology According to studies and researches more and more kids are applying technology to their lifestyle like playing video games, using computer and watching TV. According to parents using media and technology children helps to learn while entertained. Today’s children might use their brain differently than the kids in previous generation this is according to UCLA professor, Patricia Greenfield. Patricia Greenfield found out that TV, Media and video games does not limit the mind of the children but they also help them in other ways. In a concrete result they found out that surgeon who has a skilled in video games can be better in keyhole surgery. The use of technology can have a great effect of schools. With an increased emphasis on more teacher discretion over teaching and learning in the classroom has a potential to increase. Technology can also be integrated into the class through the use of software. Technology allows the student to comprehend the subject matter at hand easier. The children nowadays are better than their ancestor when it comes to multitasking as a result in complex visual information that they deal with. The school, learning institute and parents must understand this study and apply to their learning techniques according to the UCLA professor. (Patricia Greenfield 2005) Technological Adaptability in Education Many different types of technology can be used to support and enhance learning. Everything from video content and digital moviemaking to laptop computing and handheld technologies (Marshall, 2002) have been used in classrooms, and new uses of technology such as podcasting are constantly emerging. Various technologies deliver different kinds of content and serve different purposes in the classroom. For example, word processing and e-mail promote communication skills; database and spreadsheet programs promote organizational skills; and modeling software promotes the understanding of science and math concepts. It is important to consider how these electronic technologies differ and what characteristics make them important as vehicles for education (Becker, 1994). Each technology is likely to play a different role in students’ learning. Rather than trying to describe the impact of all technologies as if they were the same, researchers need to think about what kind of technologies are being used in the classroom and for what purposes. Two general distinctions can be made. Students can learn â€Å"from†computersâ€â€where technology used essentially as tutors and serves to increase students basic skills and knowledge; and can learn â€Å"with†computersâ€â€where technology is used a tool that can be applied to a variety of goals in the learning process and can serve as a resource to help develop higher order thinking, creativity and research skills (Reeves, 1998; Ringstaff & Kelley, 2002). The primary form of student learning â€Å"from†computers is what Murphy, Penuel, Means, Korbak and Whaley (2001) describe as discrete educational software (DES) programs, such as integrated learning systems (ILS), computer-assisted instruction (CAI), and computer-based instruction (CBI). These software applications are also among the most widely available applications of educational technology in schools today, along with word-processing software, and have existed in classrooms for more than 20 year s (Becker, Ravitz, & Wong, 1999). While DES remains the most commonly used approach to computer use in student learning, in more recent years, use of computers in schools has grown more diversified as educators recognize the potential of learning â€Å"with†technology as a means for enhancing students’ reasoning and problem-solving abilities. In part, this shift has been driven by the plethora of new information and communication devices now increasingly available to students in school and at home, each of which offers new affordances to teachers and students alike for improving student achievement and for meeting the demand for 21st century skills describe earlier. No longer limited to school labs, school hours and specific devices, technology access is increasingly centered on the learner experience. Bruce and Levin (1997), for example, look at ways in which the tools, techniques, and applications of technology can support integrated, inquiry-based learning to â€Å"engage children in exploring, thinking, reading, writing, researching, inventing, problem-solving, and experiencing the world.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Workplace Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Workplace Issues - Essay Example One of the more typical elements that lead to gender workforce diversity problems is the manner in which the company or firm views the independent skills and abilities of their workers, or the existence of bias and stereotyping in other people's behavior. For example, in corporate governance issues, the manner in which the company or firm views the responsibilities of males and females can inhibit or deny workers to particular occupations (Riccucci, 2002). The traits and attitudes of both males and females are also not the same from each other and can be identified as a major cause of gendered workplace problems. According to Smith (2003), males in the workplace are normally identified by dominant traits, which are the reasons why they are not lacking in self-belief, brute force, coercion, freedom, the will to win and the motivation to succeed. These traits of males enable them to utilize an aggressive managerial mechanism, which is helpful in persuading other people and enhancing the special capabilities of the workers. Meanwhile, females in the workplace possess serene traits that stand for love, respect, compassion and understanding. Females with serene traits normally talk with hesitation, manage a simple lifestyle and provide help to her co-workers (Lieberman, 2003). As these traits are not really significant components as to the manner that managers and presidents of organizations are typically viewed, females are not the immedi ate preferences for top level jobs in the firm. Males meanwhile assume their top positions as company managers and CEOs. d. What personality traits are beneficial and/or detrimental in your workplace In my workplace, males and females perform most of the time of acts as the foundation concerning how other individuals perceive them as potential CEOs of organizations. The interactive capacities for instance, which is an integral element of an excellent manager, are not the same among males and females in my workplace. As the interactive mechanisms of males are seen to be perfect for leadership positions, men in my workplace normally are always on the top candidates for highly coveted leadership jobs. e. Who is responsible for fostering motivation in the workplace Despite the various dilemmas concerning cultural workforce diversity, research studies prove that this is an essential factor of an excellent firm as well as gives positive points. According to Arredondo (1996), the hiring of an extremely diverse workforce with regards to race and ethnicity can be very helpful as it gives the company a greater roster of highly qualified individuals. This also improves the chances of the company to recruit workers that are capable enough for particular organizational deficits and necessities. In most organizational functions, workforce diversity can also support in providing a variety of helpful concepts that are critical in making informed choices. Therefore gendered workforce diversity widens the organization's views and improves its choices for establishing selections.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Class Project Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Class Project - Coursework Example They were different fronts changing each other on this territory during three days. As fronts are boundaries between air masses with different temperature and can also differ with content, I thought interesting weather changes could happen there. I also checked a temperature changes and weather history at the other site ( As I said, on synoptic maps we can see different marks on chosen place during three chosen days. There is a mark L – Low, - Cyclone 28th of July 2014. Near L’s usually are strong winds, which can change weather and bring clouds and precipitation. Also there is a yellow front line. 29th of July 2014 we can see a different front – a blue one, - there. Also Cyclone had changed coordinately. Last day it was L – Low, this day it’s H – for High. Winds blow clockwise here. It’s anticyclone, so clouds should be gone and weather could be fine (Calvert, J. B). 30th of July anticyclone is moving East. Also yellow marks for fronts are back. So clearly, these three days had been not the most boring ones. 28th of July. Temperature wasn’t very stable. It was the highest about 6 AM – 83-84F and all morning it was pretty warm. Temperature was lowing ‘till noon and about 7 PM was 53-54F. So it’s 30F per day change. Dew point this day was more or less stable, though lowed to 37F about 6 AM (about that time, when temperature was the highest). In the evening it was stable – 56-57F, though temperature was the lowest. Looking at PH graph, we see that it changes a lot. Again with the highest temperature about 6 AM it was low – a little bit more, than 20% and in the evening – about 80% while temperature was the lowest. So I suppose it was raining in Steamboat Springs, because as we also knew from synoptic map, there was a cyclone that day. But RH jumped. Again, it was the lowest about 5 AM (30%) and had reached mark 80% in the evening. As we
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Management Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Management Accounting - Assignment Example At this moment, the strategies that are to be applied in this case are related to the performance of the company are no longer connected to the profitability of the company (Shaffer, 23). Thus, as the strategy to compare overhead costs and overall productivity of the company, it is clear that the company is operating at net loss and strategies should aim at reducing the burden on operating losses. Thus, a strategy to increase performance would consider cutting back on losses an improvement plan. Following the calculations below, the performance of the company depends on the use of available resources in the production of pipes. Based on the cost of raw material and the units produced it is clear that non-overhead costs remained the same at $0.15 considering 10,000,000 feet of pipe costing $1,500,000 and/or 6,000,000 feet costing $900,000. If the company is to trade the new batch of pipes at $0.35, then the company would be gaining $0.1 as profit for every foot of pipe sold. Based on the table below, decreasing the price of the pipes would be the best decision for the company to cut back on losses and acquire an economies of scale strategy. There are various levels of costs involved in the case of Riverside Hotel. These involve fixed, variable, and sunk costs. In terms of the fixed costs, all overhead costs are fixed and include the cost of acquiring the equipment for preparing meals, the premises, power, and heat. Specifically, one of the fixed overhead costs include the price of the oven which is priced at $20,000. On the other hand, non-overhead costs include the price of the salad which is $1 and the prime rib which costs $7. The fixed price of the prime rib and the salad make up the cost of materials. However, for every meal made, the used ingredients add up to the final price. In this case, the price of making dinner using the prime rib and salad is fixed at $8 assuming that there is no labor, equipment, and power
Friday, July 26, 2019
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 65
Assignment - Essay Example To gauge this conclusion as an investment opening, the use of the extra and or available money to make more money later will be discussed. Some of the considerations to keep in mind are risk tolerance, investment options available, and the cash flow situation. Below are some vital points to consider in regard to the question ‘is paying down debt usually a good investment?’- Before considering whether or not to invest, you have to make sure that you really have additional money. Have enough backup income to keep all debts current; being behind on your debt expenses can destroy your credit and lead you to suffer fees that will overcome the return on any investment (ROI). At least ensure that you settle your minimum payments on all your debts. This will reduce the incidences where one pays debts and he/she is with time has no money for personal and emergency situations (Warren & Amelia 75). Things may be looking up now; this is where one takes into consideration the long term effect. For instance, what will happen if one loses his/her job next month or in the case of a medical emergency? Before one thinks of investing or making larger than necessary payments on your loans, some amount of money should be saved for emergency purpose. Many financial consultants recommend that one saves enough to cater for at least three months of emergency scenarios; the money should be in a safe, accessible account (Warren & Amelia 105). This is when one looks at reduction or full settlement of any given liability as an investment as it provides the first step to accumulation of assets, wealth. Accumulated interest rate increases the duration one take to source wealth; this makes one to avoid payment of unnecessary extra amount of cash annually in the future (Warren & Amelia 33). For instance, when one makes $5000 payment on a loan with a 10% interest rate, your annual return is 10%, or $500. This is based on the
Business Law Final Exam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Law Final Exam - Assignment Example This was an interference with prospective contractual relationship. Business usually come up with many schemes for attracting customers, which is a good, part of competition, however it is usually a tort when a business endeavors to improve its place in the market by interfering with another business in an improper and unreasonable way. E-Z acted in an unreasonable and improper way towards Extracto. The court can find proper interference in this case. The existence of an underlying contract is not needed for this tort; however, Emo can show intentional and improper interference by E-Z that prevents the formation of contract between him and a third party- Extracto. Interference with another person contractual relation is tortuous if there is a reasonable likelihood and probability that a contract would have resulted. If Elmo sued Jo and E-Z based on the lies, he would base his claim on theory of tortious interference also known as intentional interference with contractual relation. Th is theory states that improperly interfering with the performance of a contract is a tort. To recover under this theory, Elmo should show that Jo and E-Z acted inappropriately and with no privilege, acted deliberately and with wickedness with the intention to harm-to cost him the job with Extracto, to induce a third party (Extracto) not to go into a business relationship him and caused him financial injury. If Elmo sues Jo over the ad, he would be suing for compensation of damages because of fraudulent or intentional misrepresentation.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Coercion used in Continental Army Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Coercion used in Continental Army - Essay Example Very little scholarly work had been done on military discipline and enforcement in the American army during the Revolutionary War. The neglect is not for lack f source material. Thousands f orderly books, manuals f instruction, court martial transcripts, and other primary sources exist in private collections and in local and national repositories, including the National Archives and the Library f Congress. Most f this material is readily available to researchers, and some f it, most notably in George Washington's papers, has appeared in print. Ward is the first historian to examine the primary sources in depth, however, and he has written a pioneering study f a very important element in the military history f the Revolutionary War. Washington was no touchy-feely general. As Ward explains, he developed his understanding f military discipline from study and observation f British practices during the French and Indian War. Discipline during that war followed standard eighteenth-century practice. Penalties were cruel--from whipping and riding the wooden horse to public hanging--and intended to terrify rather than to correct. Washington was as enthusiastic as any other officer in applying this discipline, often more so. And in the Revolutionary War, he made tough discipline a centerpiece f his military philosophy. The relatively democratic, easy-going methods common to the New England militia in early 1775 were not for him; and on taking command f the Continental Army later that year, he quickly instilled an authoritarian, hierarchic system that came down hard on everything from cowardice and desertion to foul language, gambling, and female camp followers. Ward's focus is less on policy formulation than on the effect that Washington's discipline--developed in consultation with Congress and the generals--had on the common soldiers. This emphasis on the average man helps to keep the book far more fresh and exciting than any purely administrative study. At all levels, from officers' guards, pickets, and police, to provost guards, executioners, and field musicians, Ward explores what it meant to live under Continental Army discipline, making use f numerous interesting anecdotes. At times, Ward's tendency to hop from one topic to another makes for haphazard reading, but the narrative, though at times awkwardly written, never loses interest. What is missing is a coherent overall sense f how military discipline evolved during the war, and particularly f how lessons learned during the course f the conflict influenced the development f U.S. Army discipline in succeeding eras. The book lacks a concluding chapter to bring all f the loose ends tog ether, instead ending rather abruptly with a discussion f military executions. Still, there is no question that Ward has written the definitive study f American military discipline during the Revolutionary War. The inability to adequately equip the troops stemmed from the structure f the Commissary Department, and its adjunct, the Quartermaster Department. Military officers normally headed these departments, but
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Tort of law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Tort of law - Essay Example Section 1 of Compensation Act reaffirms the present common law, and it should be noted that it was not meant to transform the law but to only to transform the perception among the public mind. (Lunney & Oliphant2008:178). Under English common law, an action for infringement of statutory duty can be initiated if an individual has suffered damage due to a breach of a statute and can initiate an action in tort as regards to such damages. In such cases, the claimant has to establish that the defendant had failed to carry out his legal duty in this regard. Thus, there is no necessity to prove whether such breach of duty was either negligent or intentional. It is to be noted that in Couch v Steel1, it was held that whenever there is an infringement of a law provision which resulted in damage to an individual interest, a right of action can be initiated under tort. However in Groves v Lord Winborne 2 and in Atkinson v New Castle and Gateshead Waterworks Co 3 which were the leading nineteent h century cases which strikingly barred the ambit of the tort, and demanded that any individual claim for infringement of statutory obligation must first prove that the legislature had an intent that an infringement of such individual’s interest or right should be tortuous. Lord Denning MR in Ex p Island Records Ltd held that if a private right is being hindered with by a criminal act, thereby resulting in a special damage over and above the generality of the public, then, under such scenarios, such individual can approach the court as a private individual and prey that his private rights should be safeguarded. (Murphy & Street 2007: 492). In establishing the standard of care, the courts will also look into any pertinent social utility linked with the defendant’s conduct. This includes fortitude of the general public interest so that issues other than just in dispute between the defendant and the claimant may be taken into account in evaluating the standard of care nee d of the defendant. (Murphy & Street 2007: 101). However, now, the English courts are giving due importance to the social utility of would be respondent activities, which have been now given statutory force. The section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006 now provides that where a court is judging a claim of negligence, it will, in establishing the needed standard care, â€Å"have a conscience to whether there is a need to take those actions which are required to meet that standard might be a) bar a proposed activity from being perused at all, to a specific magnitude or in a specific way, or b) dissuade such individuals from perusing such activities in relation to such desirable activity.†(Murphy & Street 2007: 102). In Anns v. Merton London Borough Council4, the plaintiffs were the lessees of a group of flats owned by the defendant. The lessees subsequently discovered that the flats were constructed with inadequate foundations. In this case , the House of Lords confirmed the fin dings of the Court of Appeals that plaintiffs could initiate an action against the defendants for the cost of repairing the foundations.( Christie 2000:123). In Stovin v Wise5 , it was held that even where the administrators have entered into some type of action to prevent the third party, and if they carelessly skip some probable â€Å"
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Movie Critique on Gothika Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Critique on Gothika - Movie Review Example Movie Critique on Gothika She is paid a lot of money and to her, the patients are just crazy. She is doing her usually routine of a morning swim and working her normal case load but one day she travels down the highway and meets a woman in flames. She almost runs over this woman but has stopped the car to see what happened to her. The woman in flames is in turmoil. The next thing that the psychiatrist knew is that she is in a psych ward prison cell for the murder of her husband. The story revolves around trying to discover who murders this girl on the road and clearing her name. She is in a frantic battle with the psychiatric prison facility staff to clear her name. The psychiatrist clears both her and one of her main patients when she discovers that the patient was actually raped by one of the guards who is responsible in murdering the girl in flames and the many other girls at the ward. The guard and the psychiatrist's husband had been raping women for a long time in the facility. The story presented in thi s movie had so many twists and turns and interwoven pieces that it made for a great story while being a horror film. The characters in the story were portrayed wisely delivering an outstanding performance. Halle Berry is a remarkable actress in most movies she is in and she won an oscar in some of her film Monster's Ball so it is no surprise that she is capable of a brilliant performance. Halle Berry played the psychiatrist and she is incredibly rich and famous. It is important to recognize that if she was not famous, she would have still delivered a great performance because we see the flawless acting with an elegant flow. She is unlike any other actress because she draws her audience in effortlessly. She is incredibly beautiful but somehow conveys such an ordinary character position. Robert Downey Jr is also in the film and his role is more subdued but it still delivers quite an impact because it is Robert Downey Jr. When he is forced to go against Halle, we see a performance that is quite honest and genuine in its delivery. The prison guard has a poor performance only in the reason that I found he had an annoying persona and did not play evil enough like other people play evil. He is far from being an Anthony Hopkins type character from The Silence of the Lambs. Penelope Cruz plays crazy and beautiful extremely well and holds her own and goes beyond that in this film. Her acting ability is outstanding and her delivery of portraying most characters is quite powerful. The cinematography has quite an impact because the woman in flames is so tortured and is also quite good at acting. The flames and the blood scenes are quite remarkable in terms of how esthetically pleasing and horryifying they are all at the same time. The thunder storm on Halle's way home and the swim scene is incredible as well because we all like a good thunderstorm in a movie. The editing had quite an impact and I felt that the scenes that were in the movie delivered such an awesome film an d nothing was left out. We see the many great qualities in this film with the editing job because there was nothing in it that needed to be added or left out. All the scenes belonged and brought the film to a position of greatness that we have to pay tribute to the editor for doing such a good job. The sound was good but not much more impressive as compared to any other film. We see the woman in flames screaming and the scenes where Halle has fits and outbursts in her reflection of memories
Monday, July 22, 2019
Psychology and Crime Essay Example for Free
Psychology and Crime Essay There are a number of other theories developed by researchers including Bandura (1986), Beck (1982), Ellis (1976) and Ross and Fabiano (1985) describing cognitive structures or thinking frameworks that lead to troubled or criminal behaviour. These theories suggest that how an individual thinks about an external event, not the event itself, can trigger feelings that lead to criminal behaviour. Cognitive restructuring enables offenders to change their anti-social attitudes and beliefs through a process that focuses on the individuals thinking patterns. Kohlberg (1978) in the theory of moral development was concerned with the cognitive processes behind moral judgement. He used the work of Piaget (1932) and suggested that moral reasoning advances with age. Offending occurs when there is a delay in moral development and the offender does not have the reasoning to resist temptation from offending. (Hollin as citied in Maguire 2002) This could explain why some criminals are seen to grow out of criminality. This theory has been criticised on the basis that Kohlberg was explaining moral reasoning not moral behaviour. In conclusion psychoanalytical accounts do not offer a satisfactory explanation of crime but neither do any of the other theories on their own. Psychoanalytic theories concentrate on the unconscious, which is a contributing factor in the explanation of crime but the theory cannot explain all types of crime. Learning theories look at the values and beliefs that are learnt through the environment however they do not take into account internal or cognitive factors. Cognitive approaches help us to understand crime but do not explain the causes of crime. Cognitive theories focus on the individual and how the individual can be treated to change. This is why they are in favour with criminal justice at the moment. The theories assume that all offenders are the same however it is only crime itself that can be described in such a uniform way. In order to explain crime all the available theories including sociological theories need to be taken into account. As for psychoanalytical theories Psychoanalytical theories stress the inner processes and conflicts as determinants of behaviour. However they do not ignore or neglect the environmental or social factors, but they favour the dynamic processes as playing a major role in the development of criminal behaviour. (Hollin 1989) Bibliography Ainsworth.P (2000) Psychology and Crime: Myths and reality. (Essex: Pearson) Hollin.C (1989) Psychology and crime. (London: Routledge) Maguire.M etal (2002) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3rd Edition) McLaughlin.E Muncie.J (2001) The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (Sage Publications ltd. London) Putwain.D Sammons.A (2002) Psychology and Crime (East Sussex: Routledge)
Video Games Cause and Effects on Children Essay Example for Free
Video Games Cause and Effects on Children Essay Video games have come a long way since they were introduced to the mainstream Audience. Video games are increasingly using advanced technology, they have come closer to reality than ever before. They are creating the idea that video games cause violence. When these realistic violent video games are become popular, these games have caused children and teenagers to become addicted to playing it. These are the causes of video game addictions on children and teenagers. The high score, because the high score is one of the most easily recognizable books. Trying to beat the high score, even if the player trying to beat his own score can keep them playing for hours. Beating the game found in nearly every gaming system. The desire to beat the game is keeping the player to level up, or find the next hidden clue. Role playing, allowing players to do more than just play. They get to actually create the characters in the game that matching on an adventure, and the story makes it much harder to stop playing. Discovery, The exploration or discovery tactic is most often used in role playing games. And relationships, this is the primarily an online hook. Online role playing games allow people to build relationships with other online players. There are the effects of video games on children and teenagers. Tend to be more aggressive, kids spending too much time playing video games may exhibit impulsive and attention problems. Failing grades, too much video game playing makes your kid socially isolated. Also, he may spend less time in other activities such as doing homework, reading, sports, and interacting with the family and friends. Violent behavior, some video games teach kids the wrong values. Violent behavior, vengeance and aggression are rewarded. Negotiating and other nonviolent solutions are often not. And also bad health effects, video games may also have bad effects on some children health, including obesity, and postural, muscular and skeletal disorders.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Development of a Human Computer Interface
Development of a Human Computer Interface Abstract HCI(human computer interaction) has become one of the important aspect in human life. Signals generated from human body are biosignals and has huge potential to be used as an interface for human computer devices. Multiple devices are present that recognizes these boiosignals which is generated during muscle contraction and converting those signals into some command to be used as an input to the HCI devices. However, the task can be acquired through biosignals which forms a neural linkage with the computer techniques like Electro-Encephalogram(EEG), Electrooculogram(EOG), and Electromyogram(EMG). In past, there have been lots of studies wherein many researchers have used biosignals to control other device. EMG is hence, one of the least explored mechanism form of biosignal to be deployed in HCI and its studies are useful for neuromuscular system as certain diseases may slow down muscle contraction and muscle firing leading to paralysis of muscle. Keywords: EMG, HCI, biosignals, skeletal muscles, neural linkage. 1 Introduction HCI is the one of the research area that emerged in early 1980s, which has expanded rapidly it was previously known as a man- machine interaction. HCI focuses on the interface between user and the computer and deals with the design, execution and assessment of computer system and other related receptive that are for human use. Designing interactive computer systems to be effective, efficient, easy and enjoyable to use is important, so that people and society may realize the benefits of computation based devices [1]. The researchers observes the way human interacts with the computer system and design new technologies and interface that lets human and computers to interaction novel ways [2]. Some of the example of popular HCI techniques are image processing, speech recognition, bio signal processing etc. HCIs goal is to minimize the differences between the humans goal of what they want to achieve and the understanding level of computer to perform the task. It relates knowledge from bot h the human and machine side. Due to its multidisciplinary nature, people with different study areas contribute to its success. Figure 1 shows the areas where HCI can be implemented with distinctive importance. Fig.1. Disciplines contribute to HCI [3] EMG is an electro medical procedure for estimating and recording the electrical signals produced by skeletal muscle. EMG is performed using electromyography, to produce an electrical record or signal called electromyogram [4]. An electromyography detects the electric potential generated by skeletal muscle cells when these cells are activated electrically or neurologically. The EMG technology helps capture gestures as inputs for virtual joysticks, keyboards leading to new application in mobile computing etc [5]. This signal can also be analyzed to detect medical abnormalities, activation level, or biomechanics of human movement. The motor neurons of a human body transmit electrical signals that causes muscle to contract and an EMG translate this signals to graphs, sound or numerical values that can be interpreted by analyst. EMGs signal can be easily acquired using electrodes and it is of two types, dry electrode that is direct contact with the skin that records muscles activity from the surface above the muscle on the skin and require more than one electrode, because EMG recording displays the electric potential difference between two separate electrodes, second is gel or inserted EMG which can be performed using a electrolytic gel as a chemical interface between the skin and electrolyte [6]. A needle electrode and fine wire electrode is the example of inserted electrode. Needle electrode is used in clinical areas and the tip of the electrode is bare and used for the surface detection. Fine wire electrode they are easily implanted in and withdrawn from the skeletal muscles, and is less painful then needle electrode. Thus EMG has a variety of clinical and biomedical applications where it is used to diagnose neuromuscular disease and many other disorders of motor control. 2EMG Used for HCI Studies are being carried out for the use of EMG signals inorder to identify disabilities as a significant number of individuals are suffering from severe motor disabilities, due to variety of causes, such as Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Amythorphic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and so on [7]. Therefore, EMG signal are not only used for identifying neuromuscular disorder but can also be as a control signals for prosthetic devices [8]. It is the least explored compared to others biosignals like EEG, EOG etc. EMGs are natural means of HCI because the electrical signals induced by human muscle movement during its contraction represents nueromuscular movement that can be interpreted and transformed into computers control command. EMG signals can be used for a number of applications including clinical applications, HCI and interactive computer gaming. Basically EMG can be used to sense isometric muscular activity which does not transalate into movement thus making it possible to classify subtle mo tionless gestures and to control interfaces without being noticed and without disrupting the surrounding environment [9]. The EMG signal have different signatures i.e, two peoples gesture might be identical but their characteristics EMG signals are different interms of their age, muscle development skin fat layer and gesture style. One of the problem of EMG is its signal contains a different type of noise that are caused by equipment noise, electromagnetic radiation etc and hence preprossing is needed to filter out the unwanted noise in EMG signal. 3Related works Researchers have worked on regarding how EMG signal is used to command some other devices like prosthetic arm, robots or enabling people with certain disabilities. These are shown in following paper. In 1996 Yasuharu Koike, [10] developed a human interface employing a model of an arm, robot control of an artificial hand, and the learning of motion capability. The aim of this paper was to construct a complete forward dynamics model of the human arm by using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The model has the ability to learn physiological recordings of EMG signals for simultaneous measurement of movement. In 2000 Alsayegh, [11] proposed an EMG based signal where EMG signal is limited to three arm muscles (medial Deltoid) MD, (anterior deltoid) AB, (biceps brachii) BB that was able to recognize 12 arm gestures. The processing of EMG signal is based on arm gestures having unique temporal coordination. The classification technique used is context dependent classification within the framework of Bayes theorem. Not only the unique arm gesture by using EMG signal was developed there were various researchers working in the field of EMG for the people suffering with motor disabilities like hand paralysis, leg paralysis etc. In 2004 Jong sung kim, [12] proposed a natural means of human computer interaction induced by human arms muscle movement and the generated EMG signal to be used as computer commands control. The paper developed an online EMG MOUSE system that controls movement of the cursor, which are interpretation of 6 pre-defined motions, up, down, left, right, click and rest. A Fuzzy Min Max Neural Network (FMMNN) is used as a classifier. In 2005 Inhyuk Moon, [13] proposed a novel wearable EMG based HCI for the wheelchair user with severe motor disabilities caused by C4 and C5 spinal cord injury. The EMG signal is acquired by left, right and both shoulder elevation motion. EMG wearable device directly generates MAV (Mean Average Value) signal from raw EMG. The MAV signal is converted to digital data using AD converter embedded in a high speed microcontroller. The recognized result is sent to the wheelchair controller via Bluetooth communication module. The following year one more paper regarding people suffering from motor disabilities was presented. In 2006 Ki-Hong Kim, [14] developed an interface that relies on EMG signal acquired from human face during contraction of muscle. Electrodes are placed around forehead, cheeks and eyes. The subject was made to perform some actions like blinking of eyes, clenching of teeth, wrinkling of forehead and frowning. The signal is acquired and analyzed using LPC (Linear Prediction Coefficient) and LPC entropy were calculated to find the characteristics information contained in the measured signal. For pattern recognition Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used. Same year some were working on hand gesture recognition. In 2006 Ganesh R Naik, [15] proposed an approach to identify hand gestures using muscle activity separated from electromyogram using ICA (Independent Component Analysis). The aim of the experiment in this paper was to test the use of ICA for separation of the EMG signals for the purpose of identifying hand gestures and actions. After the recognition of hand gestures and enabling motor disabilities, in 2008 JonghwaKim, [16] proposed modification of a RC car that is controlled by users hand signs, instead of using remote control unit. The interfacing system first calculates relevant features in the EMG signal of four hand signs, classifies the hand signs into the four classes, and assigns the result to certain steering commands for the RC car. For feature extraction RMS was used calculated by observing last 16 incoming values. For classification KNN and Bayes theorem was combined using decision tree and purpose a control the car via PC. Similarly in 2009 Jun-Ru Ren, [17] studied an Electromyogram Based on HCI. This paper showed a control system using forearm electromyography that is proposed for computer peripheral control and artificial prosthesis control. The system intends to realize the commands of six pre defined hand poses i.e. up, down, left, right, yes and no. Power spectral density (PSD) is used to measure signal power intensity and for classifier the Bayesian classifier is used for extracting feature. In the same year Ahsan, [9] classified EMG signal techniques to help improve interface for disabled people. This paper discusses various methodologies and techniques for interpreting EMG signal. Researchers extended their study to multistep EMG classification in 2010 Armando Barreto, [19] proposed a system that can effectively help disabled people from the neck down to interact with computer or communicate with people through computers using point and click graphic interfaces. The EMG signal is generated using facial muscle with a corresponding cursor movement command. In 2011 surface EMG has attracted an attention of researchers for interface signal. Ishii, [20] studied about myoelectric prosthetic in which arm/hand gesture is distinguished by identification of the surface Electromyogram. For identification of motion neural network is used. In 2012 Takeshi Tsujimura, [21] studied Hand Sign Classification Employing Myoelectric Signals of Forearm. The purpose of this paper was to design an uncomplicated system to identify finger motion and to develop innovative HMI. This paper also distinguishes the hand signs by analyzing the forearm EMG signals. It relies on the proposition that the specific muscles of forearm work even if fingers are moved. Researchers studied through multichannel surface EMG signals and in 2014 Han Li, [4] showed HCI system Based on the multichannel SEMG of the hand gesture recognition based on the feature extraction, identification, classification and control of the SEMG which controls quad copter flight. In this paper, the four different gestures can be distinguished accurately to complete the real-time interactive process. The experimental results show that the HCI system based on SEMG has high accuracy. Auto regression method is used for analysis of SEMG signal and the classification is done using back propogation technique. In 2015 Ahmed Mehaoua, [18] designed a novel EMG based system that aims to control multimedia player in simple, efficient and flexible manner. The objective of this paper was to provide efficient control system seeking to simplify the life of hand amputee persons by allowing them to control media player through EMG signals generated by muscle activation from forearm contraction. The electrical potential generated allows start, stop a video or switching between a set of media. For detecting muscle contraction four steps is used rectification, filtering, linear envelop and onset contraction and turns the signal into usable form. After detection of muscle contraction, system was enhanced by adding commands like start, stop, previous, next and pause. 4Summary of Survey The survey paper focuses on evaluation and detection of an EMG signal and use of this system for real time. There are many classification methodologies and artificial intelligence techniques based on neural network to classify EMG signal. Some of the techniques are ANN, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) etc. 4.1. Back Propagation Neural Network Back propagation algorithm is applied on the multichannel SEMG [18] of the hand gesture recognition based on the featureextraction and control of the SEMG which controls quad copter flight. BP neural network contains three parts: the BP neural network building, the BP neural network traning and the BP neural network classification.BP neural network building is determined according to the input and output charasteristics of the system structure of the BP neural network. The number of the AR (auto regression) model coefficientof input vector is 16 and the number of the output is 4,so theinput layer has 16 nodes and the output layer has 4 nodes. 4.2. Fuzzy Min Max Neural Network Jong-Sung Kim [12] applied fuzzy mean max neural network (FMMNN) as a classifier for online EMG mouse that controls computer cursor. Also, stochastic values such as integral absolute value were used as features for an appropriate classification of the intended wrist motions. 6 predefined wrist motions to left, right, up, down, click and rest operation were determined. 4.3. Hidden Markov Model Ki-Hong Kim [14] developed an interface using EMG signal from human face.For pattern recognition HMM comprised three states and two Gaussian mixtures per state is employed which is used as a classifier. The standalone interface system was implemented and the subject (people as volunteers) were able to make the wheelchair turn left, right, forward and backward by simple action provided by them. Classification is done by comparing the likelihood values of an arbitrary feature sequence evaluated from four HMMs, HMML, HMMR, HMMF, and HMMB for left, right, forward, and backward, respectively, and selecting the model with the maximum value. 4.4. Bayes Network Alsayegh, [11] presented an EMG-based human-machine interface system that interprets arm gestures in the 3-dimensional (3D) space. Gestures are interpreted by sensing the activities of three muscles, namely, anterior deltoid (AD), medial deltoid (MD), and biceps brachii (BB) muscles. The problem of gesture classification is carried out in a framework of the statistical pattern recognition. The processing of the EMG signals utilizes the temporal coordination activity of the monitored muscles to identify a particular gesture. The classification procedure is carried out by constructing successive feature vectors for each gesture. These feature vectors describe the gestures temporal signature. This type of classification is referred to as the context-dependent classification, which is carried out in this study within the framework of Bayes theorem. The development of an EMG based interface for hand gesture recognition is presented by Jonghwa Kim, [16]. For realizing real-time classification assuring acceptable recognition accuracy, they introduced the combination of two simple linear classifiers (K-nearest neighbour (KNN) KNN and Bayes) in decision level fusion. Table 1 provides the summary of the survey in accordance with the methodologies used in various papers. It provides the description of the success rate resulted by the use of classification techniques. Table 1.Summary of major methods used for EMG classification Classifier used Title Researchers Description Back Propagation Neural Network Human computer interaction system design based on surface EMG signals. Han Li , Xi Chen,, (2014) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢93% success rate in the multichannel SEMG of the hand gesture recognition. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Auto-regressive model method is used. Hidden Markov Model A practical biosignal-based human interface applicable to the assistive systems for people with motor impairment. Ki-Hong Kim (2006) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢97% success rate in developing an interface using human face. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Subject was able to turn left, right, forward and backward. Fuzzy Min Max Neural Network A new means of HCI: EMG-mouse. Jong-sung Kim, (2004) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Stochastic values such as integral absolute values were used as feature extraction. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Six distinctive wrist motions can be classified well. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Pattern recognition rate of each wrist motions is above 90%. Bayes Network A practical EMG-based human-computer interface for users with motor disabilities. Alsayegh,(2000) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢classification is done in a framework of statistical pattern recognition. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢classification rate reported was 96%. EMG-based hand gesture recognition for realtime biosignal interfacing. Jonghwa Kim et,al, (2008) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢K-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) classifier added with Bayes to obtain good result à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Average classification rate reported was over 94%. 5Conclusion Developing better human computer interface will help improve quality of life of people suffering from physical disabilities. EMG signal is one of the natural technique that captures electrical signals from human body for the use of HCI and provides an interface for human and computer to interact appropriotely. This survey paper focuses on the work of various researchers, the methodologies used for the classification of EMG signal. Therefore, it can be concluded from the survey of various paper that neural network has been used as a prominent classification technique of EMG signal for HCI. For future works new and more enchanced classification techniques can be developed besides neural network, a work can be done in creating light weight EMG signal, multiclass hand process and on-line processing. References Dix, A.: Human-computer interaction. (pp. 1327-1331). Springer US (2009) Andurkar, A. G., Andurkar, R. G.: Human-computer interaction. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), vol.2, issue.6, (2015) Human computer Interaction: An Overview, Li, H., Chen, X., Li, P.: Human-computer interaction system design based on surface EMG signals. In: Modelling Identification Control (ICMIC) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on (pp. 94-98). IEEE (2014, December) Chowdhury, R. H., Reaz, M. B., Bakar, A. A., Hasan, M. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019
Goal Statement - Education :: essays research papers
My Goal Statement: Life after Coppin State College Teachers have a very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young, impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy. Therefore, as a high school teacher I want to strive to be what can be considered as, a â€Å"good teacher.†A good teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative. A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a great effect on the life of a child. As part of my goal statement I plan to incorporate all of these qualities to become the teacher that I expect and want to be.      It’s the year 2010, and it is my 2nd year as the Business Management teacher at Owings Mills High School. After working with the Baltimore City Public school system it became hard to deal with the hardship of providing so much without help from the school system. While there I worked on my masters in education at UMBS. I decided to stay in Baltimore and work in Baltimore County Public School System; even though there are some situations that need to be resolved it is much more manageable than with Baltimore City School System. Here at Owings Mills High School I mostly interact with black student as well as staff. The job is very much high in demand; having evaluations and as wells as â€Å"ready lesson plans to be viewed by the department chair. I teach both 9th and 10th grade business management classes, when there are different attitudes that are shown in the classroom. With the 9th grade they are very talkative and wanting to find there place in high school, so of course they are the loudest and most annoying. While the 10th graders are still talkative but have learned there lesson from last year and are have a little more work on their mind than they had last year. At Owing Mill High School I teach both 9th and 10th grade classes of business management course, where there are different attitudes that are shown from the different grade levels. The culture of the class is mostly black with few while students. There are more females in the classroom than males; the class size is from 25 to 30 students each class.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Pro-Life Essay -- essays research papers fc
Pro-Life English I 1 Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or angering others but it is extremely important that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965-1996 over 515 million babies have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions ( This is what we need to understand: abortion kills and we need to know where it came from. The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of rape. Then other states began to expand the use of abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape, incest, or the fetus had abnormalities or if it could seriously affect the mother’s health. In the year 1973 the Supreme Court decided on two cases, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. These decisions now effectively legalized abortions for any number of reasons. 1976, things have barely changed at all, but some laws have been passed to somewhat protect the babies. In Missouri permission for an abortion now had to be granted from the mother’s parents if the mother is under eighteen or if she is married permission from her husband. May 12 1994, Bill Clinton virtually eliminated our first amendment rights of peaceful pro-life protestors by signing the law the freedom of Access Clinics Entrance Act (FACE). This act halted the right to demonstrate out...
Spelling and Differently: Kinship, Deception and Challenges :: Alice Munro Spelling Differently
Alice Munro's Spelling and Differently:  Kinship, Deception and Challenges           The two short stories Spelling and Differently, written by Alice Munro, deal with female relationships. These relationships paint a vivid picture of the kinship, deception, challenges, and associations that affect friends and family as they journey through life. "Spelling" is about the relationship of two women, Rose and Flo. Although from the outset the relationship between Rose and Flo is not clear, near the end the reader has no doubt they are mother and daughter. Munro illustrates the awkward relationship between a parent and a child and the difficult problems that face children as their parents age. After visiting the county home in an attempt to find a place for Flo to live, "Rose spoke of the view and the pleasant rooms. Flo looked angry; her face darkened and she stuck out her lip. Rose handed her a mobile she had bought for 50 cents in the County Home crafts centre.... Stick it up your arse, said Flo" (Oates 151). The reader sees no affection between the two. In fact, the tone of the story illustrates a lack of acceptance and even disappointment by Flo and shows that there has always been a distance between the two. The title is derived from a patient Rose met at the nursing home whose only communication was spelling words. After meeting this patient, Rose dreamed that Flo was in a cage and spelling words like the old patient she met in the nursing home. Rose tells Flo about her visit to the nursing home and is obviously trying to influence Flo into going to the home. Flo is suffering from some sort of dementia, perhaps Alzheimer's.  In this story the author doesn't tell the characters ages, Rose's occupation, and other information necessary to develop a clear picture. Instead, Munro makes the reader use more of ones imagination in developing the story. Although Munro is not explicit, the story is about an unhappy relationship between a daughter and mother. In the story the narrator flashes back to a time in Rose's career when she was in a play with her breast exposed. Flo showed her displeasure by writing her a letter that said "shame" and adding that if her father was not already dead, he would wish that he was (Oates 154). Yet, the reader feels that Rose is still trying to earn her mother's respect and love. Spelling and Differently: Kinship, Deception and Challenges :: Alice Munro Spelling Differently Alice Munro's Spelling and Differently:  Kinship, Deception and Challenges           The two short stories Spelling and Differently, written by Alice Munro, deal with female relationships. These relationships paint a vivid picture of the kinship, deception, challenges, and associations that affect friends and family as they journey through life. "Spelling" is about the relationship of two women, Rose and Flo. Although from the outset the relationship between Rose and Flo is not clear, near the end the reader has no doubt they are mother and daughter. Munro illustrates the awkward relationship between a parent and a child and the difficult problems that face children as their parents age. After visiting the county home in an attempt to find a place for Flo to live, "Rose spoke of the view and the pleasant rooms. Flo looked angry; her face darkened and she stuck out her lip. Rose handed her a mobile she had bought for 50 cents in the County Home crafts centre.... Stick it up your arse, said Flo" (Oates 151). The reader sees no affection between the two. In fact, the tone of the story illustrates a lack of acceptance and even disappointment by Flo and shows that there has always been a distance between the two. The title is derived from a patient Rose met at the nursing home whose only communication was spelling words. After meeting this patient, Rose dreamed that Flo was in a cage and spelling words like the old patient she met in the nursing home. Rose tells Flo about her visit to the nursing home and is obviously trying to influence Flo into going to the home. Flo is suffering from some sort of dementia, perhaps Alzheimer's.  In this story the author doesn't tell the characters ages, Rose's occupation, and other information necessary to develop a clear picture. Instead, Munro makes the reader use more of ones imagination in developing the story. Although Munro is not explicit, the story is about an unhappy relationship between a daughter and mother. In the story the narrator flashes back to a time in Rose's career when she was in a play with her breast exposed. Flo showed her displeasure by writing her a letter that said "shame" and adding that if her father was not already dead, he would wish that he was (Oates 154). Yet, the reader feels that Rose is still trying to earn her mother's respect and love.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Modified Calendar Issue
Modifying a traditional school calendar essentially means that students attend school throughout the entire year with several mini-breaks rather than an extended summer break. There are both pros and cons involved in modifying the traditional school calendar. This essay will address the pros and provide rationale for selecting one calendar over another. Traditional School Calendar Growing up with a traditional school calendar, going to school from August until June and having the glorious three-month summer was something to look forward to as a child. According to Hsu’s article in the San Bernardino Sun, â€Å"Parents said a shorter summer would limit teens' chances to work and do internships, and that families would have to cancel planned vacations†(2007). Community involvement is essential for a child to nurture ownership of the community and feel a sense of belonging. The extended summer calendar worked in the past, traditionally, and it would seemingly work now, except that things have changed over the years and a modified school calendar meets some needs of a changing world. Things that were not evident in the past have become apparent and a modified school calendar creates opportunity to address some of those needs whereas a traditional calendar does not. Modified School Calendar Many parents struggle with an age-old problem of coordinating breaks and vacations with their children. Many times children have longer breaks from school than the parents do from work. Shorter breaks are more reasonable and true to life in the business world, preparing children for a coming future. Harold Vollkommer, an assistant superintendent said, â€Å"Longer spring and winter recesses would provide time for students who were behind in school to take short, intensive remedial courses†(2007). This type of opportunity also helps by preparing students for greater responsibilities. Additionally, children learn how to manage their time. Working in internships and volunteering for the community becomes a year-round thing rather than just a summer thing. Conclusion Having experienced both calendars, I am in favor of the modified calendar. Traditions are nice and should never be forgotten; but, as time changes and new advancements are discovered and made, so must we be willing to modify a traditional way of doing things to accommodate our growth and potential. References Hsu, C. (2007). Board rejects proposed school calendar changes. Retrieved January 24, 2007 from,
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Academic Strategies
This is a five- percent assignment. You should have already accessed the assignment in test and completed the previous quartette steps 1 . Watch the pedantic Strategies delineation. 2. perform an nonating Plats Allegory of the sabotage using the concepts taught In the video. 3. Watch the video lecture on the Allegory of the core out and coiffe taking notes during the lecture. 4. rent the recital quiz In Canvas to disclose how easy you were able to anticipate the questions. The 5th and final region of the assignment Is to pen and submit this file, a wide with a counterpart of your annotated allegory and lecture notes.Note there ar s deposener is each of the 1 1 open-access computer labs on campus. Assignment judge how effective your notes and greenbacks were. Before s raisening your notes and annotation, clearly identify by quiz procedure where relevant information is present. For example, if question one and only(a) was assisted in your annotation marks, put a n umber one next to that part in your annotation. Complete the two grids and questions to a lower place forwards saving and submitting in Canvas along with your two other scanned files. essay Question Did you miss the question? Is the answer to the question In your text annotation or lecture notes?Text preeminence Lecture Notes Match each part of the allegory with the vanquish possible interpretation. part This information I found in my notes. I think I dear got conf customd about how I had written it and how I interpreted it. Based on the lecture, which of the quest Is NOT true of Socrates? No Both Which of the following fictional full treatment was given In lecture as an example of an allegory. No The prisoners chained at the base of the cave are bid . Yes Again, I think I mediocre misinterpreted my notes and what I thought was the idea. What does the sun exterior the cave represent?No Which of the following is not true in the Banking flummox of bringing up? Yes I did nt read the not true part of the question and instead answered what I thought was true. What is the significance of the bodily function of naming? Liberal Arts Education is the sour of becoming a bare person liberated from intellectual vices such(prenominal) as apathy, lack of curiosity, and ignorance. Using the metaphors and symbols of the cave, wherefore does the university require students to engage in the process of Liberal Arts Education? No Both. Could have connected it better to the story. level the best students often encounter challenges with their subscribe to skills end-to-end their college career. In fact, it is not uncommon for students who get As in high drill to seek out additional national strategies once they experience the variety of coursework in college. Identify a couple of challenges that you whitethorn expect to encounter with regard to your declare study skills, and then discuss the resources for sale and your action send off to overcome those c hallenges. Challenges Resources performance Plan Example Inability to full concentrate and take notes during a long lecture. US academician Resource core group online information and shop classs, I. . Information about brisk listening during lectures. Read the information on the ARC website about listening during lectures. Practice habits of an effective listener listed on the website. Take a quick nap before class, put phone and laptop away, and practice concentrating during history class. Visit ARC workshop if that doesnt work. 1. I am worried I will be a procrastinator, and not work as hard as I should on my studying. I can go utilise the US Academic Resource Center and watch reformatory videos. I can similarly strain to some of the videos that have been make use ofd on the US 1010 Canvas course.Start making study schedules. I need to start doing my training when it is handed out and fresh in my mind. I need to do planning when it is first available for me to do it. I can also make calendars and plan out my weeks. 2. I will also struggle to keep up with the proportion of the class. I am a in arrears hireer, and I am worried I will fall behind. I can use the resources my professor gives me, like accessory groups and use the opportunity to study with my peers. I need to start going to supplemental Instruction Courses and make time to learn more when I am not aught up.I need to make sure as shooting I put in supernumerary time to study and stay caught up. Did you use your annotation and notes while taking the quiz? If so, would you have done as well if this was a closed-note quiz? I did use my notes and annotation, but I think I would have probably done just now as well as I did without them. What did you learn while doing this assignment? It is master(prenominal) to do well on note-taking and annotating. Even if you are not able to use those on a test or quiz, you retain more information by writing it down and going with the material rep eatedly afterwards.
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